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Lambton Kent District School Board
Every Student, Every Day
Indigenous Liaison Committee

​​​​​​​​​​2023-2024 Meeting Dates

Meeting Date & Location
​Record of Action
Wednesday,​September 20, 2023 at Chatham Regional Education Centre  6 pm
​​Agenda September 20 2023 F.pdf
​​ROA September 20 2023.pdf
Wednesday, ​October 25, 2023 @ Eelünaapéewi Lahkéewiit at 12 pm
Agenda October 25 2023.pdf
ROA October 25 2023 F.pdf
Thursday, ​November 23, 2023 @ Aamjiwnaang First Nation at 12 pm
​​Agenda November 23 2023.pdf
ROA November 23 2023.pdf
​Wednesday, January 17, 2024 @ Bkejwanong First Nation at 12 pm
Agenda January 17 2024.pdf
ROA January 17 2024.pdf
Wednesday, ​February 21, 2024 @ Sarnia Education Centre at 12 pm
Agenda February 21 2024.pdf
ROA February 21 2024.pdf
Wednesday, ​April 17, 2024 @ Sarnia Education Centre at 12 pm
Agenda April 17 2024.pdf
ROA April 17 2024.pdf
Wednesday, May 15, 2024 @ Chatham Regional Education Centre at 12 pm

Agenda May 15 2024.pdf

​Wednesday, June 19, 2024 @ Aamjiwnaang​ First Nation at 12 pm
Agenda June 19 2024.pdf

​​​​​​​​​​​2022-2023 Meeting Dates

​Meeting Date & Location
​Record of Action
​September 21, 2022  Virtual Via Teams
​​Agenda September 21 2022.pdf
ROA September 21 2022.pdf
​October 19, 2022 Virtual Via Teams
Agenda October 19 2022.pdf
ROA October 19 2022.pdf
​November 16, 2022 Virtual Via Teams
Agenda November 16 2022.pdf
ROA November 16 2022.pdf
​January 18, 2023 Virtual Via Teams
Agenda January 18 2023.pdf
ROA January 18 2023.pdf
​February 15, 2023 Virtual Via Teams
Agenda February 15 2023.pdf
ROA February 15 2023.pdf
​April 19, 2023 at Great Lakes Secondary School
Agenda April 19 2023.pdf
ROA April 19 2023.pdf
​May 17, 2023 at Naahii Ridge Public School
Agenda May 17 2023.pdf
​​ROA May 17 2023.pdf
​June 13, 2023 at Sir John Moore School
Agenda June 13 2023.pdf
ROA June 13 2023.pdf

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​The Lambton Kent District School Board's Native Advisory Committee was reconstituted in 2007, in conjunction with the Ministry of Education's release of the First Nation, Metis, and Inuit Education Framework.  The committee was renamed the Indigenous Liaison Committee in 2017.


Who Are We?

  • Representatives from First Nation partner communities: (links out to respective web sites)

    • Aamjiwnaang First Nation

    • Delaware Nation

    • Kettle and Stony Point First Nation

    • Walpole Island First Nation (Bkejwanong)

  • Two Trustees representatives, one of whom is the First Nation Trustee

  • Superintendent of Education with responsibility for First Nation, Metis, and Inuit Education

  • Indigenous Liaison plus additional Board staff directly supporting Indigenous Education

  • Principal and Vice-Principal representatives from schools directly serving First Nation communities and others with an active interest

  • Other individuals with an active interest in support Indigenous Education

The Role of the Indigenous Liaison Committee is to:

  • Ensure a full partnership in setting priorities, determining goals, identifying strategies, and monitoring progress toward improving outcomes for Indigenous students

  • Work in collaboration to shape planning, strategies, and supports to meet identified priorities for students, staff, and community members

  • Make recommendations to the Board regarding programs and services for Indigenous students

  • Support an increase in all students' and staff knowledge, awareness, understanding, and appreciation of First Nation, Metis, and Inuit people, their histories, cultures, and languages


  • The Indigenous Liaison Committee meets monthly with the exception of December and March.  Meetings are hosted on a rotating basis among the four First Nation communities and local schools.  The meetings are open and the public is welcome.

Committee History

Two key factors shaped the early work of the committee and the evolving relationships of its partners.  One was the Ministry's release of the First Nation, Metis, and Inuit Education Framework which set out the goals of a province-wide initiative to improve outcomes for students in ways that aligned with the Ministry's overall goals.  This guideline identified points of discussion and helped determine the committee's first priorities for the investment of available resources.

Even more important though, was the need to create a shared space within which it would become safe to have frank conversations about the reality of school for Indigenous students and the kinds of things that needed to happen or happen differently for them. Growing trust within the relationships that allowed open and honest dialogue to occur was the precursor to success in implementing the guideline, but also provided the basis upon which other aspects of the Board's partnerships with First Nations could grow.  This was particularly true for the negotiation of Education Service (Tuition) Agreements and Memoranda of Understanding that more precisely delineated the Board and First Nation responsibilities and accountabilities in this partnership.  It also provided for greater confidence among all parties in addressing situations of mutual concern.

 Meeting Dates


​2021-2022 Meeting Dates
Meeting Date & Location
​​Record of Action
​Wednesday, September 15, 2021 Via Virtual Teams
Agenda September 15, 2021.pdf
ROA September 15 2021.pdf
​Wednesday, October 20, 2021 Via Virtual Teams
Agenda October 20, 2021.pdf
ROA October 20 2021.pdf
​Wednesday, November 17, 2021 Via Virtual Teams
Agenda November 17, 2021.pdf
ROA November 17 2021.pdf
​Wednesday, January 19, 2022 Via Virtual Teams
Agenda January 19 2022.pdfROA January 19 2022 FINAL.pdf
​Wednesday, February 16, 2022 Via Virtual Teams
Agenda February 16 2022.pdfROA February 16 2022.pdf
​Wednesday, April 20, 2022 Via Virtual Teams
Agenda April 20 2022.pdfROA April 20 2022.pdf
​Wednesday, May 18, 2022 Via Virtual Teams
Agenda May 18 2022.pdf
ROA May 18 2022.pdf
​Wednesday, June 15, 2022 Via Virtual Teams
Agenda June 15 2022.pdf
ROA June 15 2022.pdf




2020-2021 Meeting Dates
​Date and Location
​September 23, 2020 @ Via Virtual Teams

​Record of Action
​October 21, 2020 @ Via Virtual Teams

​​ILC ROA Oct 21 2020.pdf

November 18, 2020 @ Via Virtual Teams
ROA November 18 2020.pdf
​January 20, 2021 @ Via Virtual Teams
January 20 2021 Agenda.pdf
ROA January 20 2021 revised Feb 18 2021.pdf

​February 17, 2021 @ Via Virtual Teams
Agenda ILC February 2021.pdf
​​ROA February 17 2021.pdf

​March 17, 2021 @ Via Virtual Teams

ILC Agenda March 17 2021.pdf

ROA March 17 2021.pdf

​May 19, 2021 @ Via Virtual Teams

ILC Agenda May 19 2021.pdf

ROA May 19 2021.pdf
​​June 16, 2021 @ Via Virtual Teams
ILC Agenda June 16 2021.pdf
ROA June 16 2021.pdf

​2019-2020 Meeting Dates

 Dat​e and Location​​
​September 25, 2019 @ Naahii Ridge Elementary 
 Record of Action
​October 30, 2019 @ Kettle and Stony Point First Nation Agenda
Record of Action
​November 27, 2019 @ Wallaceburg District Secondary School

Record of Action
​January 22, 2020 @ Aamjiwnaang First Nation
​Meeting Cancelled
​Meeting Cancelled
​February 19, 2020 @ ​Eelünaapéewi Lahkéewiit-Delaware First Nation
Record of Action
​April 22, 2020 @ Kettle and Stony Point First Nation
Meeting Cancelled
Meeting Cancelled

​May 20, 2020- Via TeleconferenceAgendaRecord of Action
​June 17, 2020 @ Via Microsoft Teams
Record of Action


​Date and Location​
​September 27, 2018 @ Naahii Ridge Elementary
Record of Action
​October 23, 2018 @ Kettle and Stony Point First Nation 
Agenda​Record of Action
​November 26, 2018 @ Bkejwanong Walpole Island First NationAgendaRecord of Action
​January 17, 2019 @Aamjiwnaang First Nation Agenda
Record of Action
​February 21, 2019 @ Eelünaapéewi Lahkéewiit-Delaware First NationAgendaRecord of Action
​April 18, 2019 @ Kettle and Stony Point First Nation Meeting CancelledMeeting Cancelled
​May 23, 2019 @ Sarnia Education Centre​AgendaRecord of Action
​June 19, 2019 @ Sir John Moore Community School
Agenda​Record of Action