βββββWelcome to the Elementary section of the LKDSB website.
Important Notice:
Click here for online elementary resources to support students' learning during school closures due to COVID-19β.
Learn at Home Online Portal
The Ontario government also launched a Learn at Home online portal with
resources for elementary and secondary students to practice math and
literacy skills at home while schools are closed due to COVID-19.
resources do not replace what students have been learning at school;
however, the Kindergarten to Grade 12 online learning resources may
support students' learning at home during the COVID-19 school closure
period. β
Make Learning a Priority
Ask your child on a regular basis to share with you the events and
activities of the school day.
Ensure your child attends classes on a regular basis and is punctual and
well prepared for each school day.
Read to your child daily and for older students encourage them to read
Provide a quiet, well-equipped location in your home for your child to
complete homework.
Help your child set goals at the beginning of each school term. Make sure
learning goals are specific and visible. Celebrate success when goals are
Whenever possible attend school activities such as open houses, parent /
teacher interviews, School Council meetings and special events. When your child
sees you involved, they will see education as a high priority.
Try to make early and positive contact with your child's teacher and get in
touch whenever you have questions about your child's program or progress. β
Lambton Kent Elementary School Athletic Association - LKESAA
LKESAA Manual 2021-2022βββ