ββββββββββββββββββ ββIn accordance with Regulation 464/97 made under the Education Act, the Lambton Kent District School Board (with support of the Special Education Advisory Committee) reviews the Board's Special Education Plan on an annual basis. In developing and modifying its Special Education Plan, the LKDSB must take into consideration feedback from members of the community, such as: parents, members of school councils, community organizations, and students. Click the 'Share your feedback here' link (immediately below) to provide your input regarding the contents of the Board's Special Education Plan.
Share your feedback here.
ββSection 1 - The Board's Consultation Process
2.3 - Early Identification Procedures and Intervention Strategies
2.4 - The Identification Pβrocessβββββ
2.5 - Educational and Other Assessmentsβ
2.6 - Specialized Health Support Services in School Settingsβ
2.7 - Categories of Exceptionalities and Definitions
2.8 - Placements Provided by the Boardβ
2.9 - Individual Education Plans (IEPs)β
2.10 - Provincial Demonstration Schoolsβββ
2.11 - Special Education Staffββ
2.12 - Staff Developmentβββ
2.13 - Equipmentβ
2.14 - Accessibility of School Buildingsββ
2.15 - Transportationββ
Section 3 - Special Education Advisory Committee (SEAC)
3.1 - Special Education Advisory Committeeββ
Section 4 - Transition Planning and Co-ordination of Services with Other Ministries or Agenciesββ