PPM 149
The Ministry of Education's PPM 149 sets out guidelines for effective community-based partnerships that school boards can develop with external agencies to allow the board to enhance the delivery of programs and services for all students, including students with special needs. Closing achievement gaps for all students is a priority of PPM 149. The protocol outlines the following:
programs and services that are currently delivered by external agencies
programs and services that are currently delivered by school board professional student services personnel (PSSP) and paraprofessionals
programs and services that could be delivered by school board PSSP and paraprofessionals, but are not being delivered by them for financial reasons or because requirements do not match the job descriptions or qualifications of board PSSP and/or paraprofessionals
The Lambton Kent District School Board's protocol supplements the services of board's PSSP and paraprofessionals, and does not set out to duplicate them, and outlines standard school board provisions related to:
informed consent;
criminal reference checks;
appropriate insurance coverage;
compliance with the Safe Schools Act;
conflict of interest, confidentiality, equity, human rights, and other relevant policies.
Following is a list of agencies that have Collaborative Service Agreements in place with the Lambton Kent District School Board in accordance with PPM 149, or, that are covered by another PPM.
Region(s) Served
Agency Name
Boys and Girls Club of Chatham Kent (previously Big Brother Big Sisters)
Canadian Mental Health Association, Lambton Kent Branch
Chatham-Kent Community Health Centres
Children's Treatment Centre of Chatham-Kent *
Community Living Sarnia-Lambton
Community Living Wallaceburg
Learning Disabilities Association of Chatham-Kent
Pathways Health Centre for Children *
Restorative Justice, Chatham-Kent
St. Clair Child & Youth Services
Chatham-Kent, Sarnia-Lambton
St. John Ambulance - Therapy Dog Visitations
Sarnia-Lambton Rebound
* - This agency is covered by PPM 81 which deals with the provision of health support services in school settings.
If you have questions about PPM 149 you may contact the Administrative Assistant to Superintendent of Education, Angie Barrese, via email at Mary-Ann.Tuer@lkdsb.net or by phone in Sarnia Lambton at (519) 336-1500, extension 31495 or in Chatham-Kent at (519) 354-3770, extension 31495.