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Lambton Kent District School Board
Every Student, Every Day
Tragic Event Response Team

​​The Lambton Kent District School Board has a Tragic Event Response Team (TERT) in place that provides immediate support, direction and resources for principals and school staffs following a tragic event.

A tragic event is one which adversely impacts on students, staff and/or members of the school community, and may result from:

  • a serious accident/injury

  • the death of a student or staff member

  • an act of violence or the threat of violence

  • a community disaster

The team composition is made up of a variety of board employees, including principals, student service guidance counselors, social workers, and psychology personnel. By providing support and suggestions (e.g., information on the developmental processes of death and grieving) team members are able to utilize their areas of expertise to build a supportive environment and enhance the social and emotional well-being in the affected school and community.

The role of the Tragic Event Response Team (TERT) is to:

  • immediately provide service as required at the request of the school Principal

  • assist the Principal in the development and implementation of a tragic event response plan

  • provide initial and short-term support to staff and students

  • counsel and work with groups and individuals as needed, in consultation with the school’s own support staff

  • provide resource material and suggestions for follow-up classroom activities

  • identify individuals who may require additional or extended support

  • in-service school staff to increase their awareness and understanding of the grieving process and appropriate responses​​