Grade 9 and 10 courses are streamed into:
- Academic (D)
- Applied (P)
- Destreamed (W)
- Locally Developed (L)
- Open (O)
Academic (D)
In an Academic course, the student will learn the essential concepts of a subject and explore related material as well. Emphasis will be on theory and abstract thinking as a base for future learning and problem solving.
Applied (P)
In an Applied course, the student will learn the essential concepts of a subject. Knowledge and skills will be developed through both theory and practical applications, but the focus will be on practical applications.
Destreamed (W)
Students benefit from learning in groups of varied abilities and interests in which teachers have high and appropriate expectations for all students and a clear understanding that all students can be successful.
Locally Developed Courses (L)
These courses are designed locally to meet the unique needs of some students in the Lambton Kent District School Board. The Ministry of Education approves each course.
The LKDSB offers six Locally Developed Courses for the workplace pathway. These Grade 9 and 10 compulsory credit courses are offered in English, Mathematics and Science to help prepare students for the Grade 11 workplace destination courses.
Open (O)
Courses that are not specific to any post-secondary destination and are appropriate for all students, which students may take to meet compulsory or optional requirements and/or for personal growth and interest are labeled Open.
Grade 11 and 12 Courses are streamed into destination courses:
- College Preparation (C)
- Open (O)
- University / College Preparation (M)
- University Preparation (U)
- Workplace Preparation (E)
College Preparation Courses (C)
College preparation courses are designed to equip students with the knowledge and skills they need to meet the entrance requirements for college programs.
Open Courses (O)
Courses that are not specific to any post-secondary destination and are appropriate for all students, which students may take to meet compulsory or elective requirements and/or for personal growth and interest are labeled Open.
University / College Preparation Courses (M)
University / College preparation courses include content that is relevant for both university and college programs. They are designed to equip the students with the knowledge and skills needed to meet the entrance requirements for specific university and college programs.
University Preparation Courses (U)
University preparation courses are designed to equip students with the knowledge and skills they need to meet the entrance requirements for university programs.
Workplace Preparation Courses (E)
Workplace preparation courses are designed to equip students with the knowledge and skills they need for direct entry into the workplace or for admission to apprenticeship programs and other training programs offered in the community.
Interdisciplinary Studies (IDC)
The Ministry of Education allows schools, under a Principal’s authorization, to develop and deliver curricula that go beyond the traditional subject areas. These Interdisciplinary Studies can be delivered as single credit courses or packages of courses and are restricted to Grades 11 and 12. Please contact the Principal’s office for further information.