Learn at Home requires daily attendance, 300
minutes of student learning each day, includes all
curriculum areas, and frequent, live contact with
a teacher during school hours. Students will be
enrolled in a virtual course through a newly created
LKDSB Virtual Learn at Home Elementary School.
Learn at Home classes will not be associated with
student home schools. The Principal of the LKDSB
Learn at Home Elementary School, Mr. Chris Moore,
will communicate with all Learn at Home students
before the start of school. Students are under
the administration of the Virtual Learn at Home
Elementary School while they are participating in
Learn at Home instruction, as well as have access to academic
and well-being supports.
Staying connected to the student’s home school
is an important part of our planning. Whenever possible, staff from the student’s home school is
encouraged to stay connected with students attending the LKDSB Virtual Learn at Home Elementary
School, such as through online newsletters. Virtual Learn at Home students will also graduate with
the graduating class at their home school.
Student attendance will be taken daily.
The school day will be:
8:50 am School day begins, attendance is taken;
8:50 am - 9:30 am Period 1;
9:30 am - 10:10 am Period 2;
10:10 am - 10:30 am Morning Break;
10:30 am - 11:10 am Period 3;
11:10 am - 11:50 am Period 4;
11:50 am - 12:30 pm Lunch;
12:30 pm Afternoon begins, attendance is taken;
12:30 pm - 1:10 pm Period 5;
1:10 pm - 1:50 pm Period 6;
1:50 pm - 2:10 pm Afternoon Break;
2:10 pm - 3:10 pm Period 7;
3:10 pm Dismissal
Student learning daily minimum learning time by grade level:
GRADES 1 - 8:
Exceptions to the synchronous learning minutes should be discussed with the Learn at Home Elementary School Principal.
Students will have frequent, live contact with their teacher. Live (or synchronous) learning will include text, video, or voice communication that allows teachers to instruct and connect students in real time. Live learning supports the well-being and academic achievement of students with immediate feedback from teachers and student to student interaction. Live learning will include whole class, small group, and individual interactions.
On-demand (or asynchronous) learning is not delivered in real time. It may include watching prerecorded video lessons, completing assigned tasks, or contributing to online discussion boards.
Students will Learn at Home using LKDSB provided platforms:
SeeSaw (Kindergarten - Grade 6)
Google Classroom (Grade 4 - Grade 8)
Google Meet Video Conferencing (Kindergarten - Grade 8)
Live (synchronous) learning does not constitute ‘supervision’ and the school cannot be held responsible for student behavior/accidents that happen at home.
LKDSB will assess whether there are students who need access to a device or Internet and take steps to distribute school resources to ensure students can stay connected, wherever possible, to learning.
For families who have elected to participate in the Learn at Home option, the requirements for synchronous learning may be accommodated on an individual basis.
There will be limited opportunities throughout the year to return to face-to-face learning if you chose for your child to begin the year in the Learn at Home model. Students and families may be put on a waitlist for face-to-face learning, depending on availability.
Moving students between face-to-face learning and the Learn at Home Elementary School is similar to moving physical schools mid-year. Some gaps are likely as math units, science topics, or other curriculum areas may already have been taught in the student’s new class. Instructional gaps of this nature are similar to moving between schools during the school year.
Students who attend the Learn at Home Elementary School will return to the school they attended in the 2019-20 school year at the November, February, and April re-organization dates unless their address changes and are in a new school’s area.