For those students graduating before February 2021 who have not yet met the literacy graduation requirement, they will be enrolled in the Ontario Secondary School Literacy Course (OSSLC) in the first quadmester. Graduating students will need to meet the 40-hour community involvement graduation requirement. Virtual opportunities to meet this requirement are being sought.
Adaptations for Art, Dance and Drama courses will reflect adherence to physical distancing expectations. Use of shared objects will be limited where possible. Students will be encouraged to practice proper hand hygiene before and after use of shared objects or equipment. The following documents provide additional resources and suggested practices:
To the extent that work placements are available, all cooperative education (including specialized co-op) and Ontario Youth Apprenticeship Program (OYAP) students will attend work placements. As always, coop teachers conduct site visits and placement assessments to ensure that it is a safe environment, that students are following protocols specific to the site and are in accordance with the Ministry of Education curriculum. Sector-specific training and certification will be provided prior to the work placement for OYAP students. Cooperative education is a key component of the Specialist High Skills Major Program, OYAP and Dual Credit Program.
College partners have determined that Semester 1 Dual Credit courses will be delivered virtually. Classes will be held synchronously on Thursdays and Fridays from 9 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. from October 1/2 to December 17/18.
In foods classes students may be involved in preparing food. However, students may not share food with other students.
The use of shared objects in sewing and parenting classes will be limited. Students will be encouraged to practice proper hand hygiene before and after use of shared objects or equipment (i.e. sewing machines). To start the semester Virtual Care babies will not be used.
Most overall expectations from the secondary music curriculum can be met without the use of instruments. As such, semester one instrumental music classes will begin without the use of instruments. The use of instruments will be re-evaluated after the start of the semester at which time students will be assigned one instrument for the quadmester. Vocals classes will be paused until further notice.
Further resources and recommendations can be found on the Ontario Music Educators’ Association (OMEA) website here.
For Health and Physical Education courses, efforts will be made to address the overall expectations of the Active Living and Movement Competence strands. Teachers will plan physical activities that support physical distancing while also limiting the use of shared equipment. Where possible, consideration will be given to holding physical education classes outside. Gymnasiums will be used where physical distancing measures can be followed. Students must wear mask for indoor activities in the gymnasium. Masks are not required for outdoor activities.
Use of shared equipment will be limited. Students will be encouraged to practice proper hand hygiene before and after participating in physical activity and equipment use.
Further resources can be found at Ontario Physical and Health Education Association (OPHEA) website here.
School Within A College (SWAC) classes are traditionally hosted at Lambton College (Sarnia) and St. Clair College (Chatham). At this time both colleges are starting the Fall semester with virtual course offerings – as such SWAC classrooms will be temporarily relocated until the colleges re-open for face-to-face learning.
Teachers will plan activities that support physical distancing while also limiting the use of shared equipment. Students will be encouraged to practice proper hand hygiene before and after equipment use. Further resources and recommendations can be found at the Ontario Council for Technology Education’s (OCTE) website here.