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Lambton Kent District School Board
Every Student, Every Day

​​Education Partners

  • Lambton Kent District School Board

  • St. Clair Catholic District School Board

Recent Community and Business Partners

  • Association of Professional Engineers of Ontario - Lambton Chapter

  • Lambton Kent Agriculture in the Classroom Committee

  • Seaway Kiwanis Club of Sarnia

  • Golden Kiwanis Club of Sarnia Lambton

Becoming a Partner

Imagine being part of this unique partnership that brings together the expertise and resources of companies like yours with the classroom experience of educators. By becoming a partner, you're investing in the scientists of tomorrow.  If you would like to know more about how your company can help, please contact the SEP Science Centre,

Wendy Hooghiem
(p) 519-336-1500 ext. 31580   (e)

Cheque Protocol:  The SEP resides under the umbrella of a larger charitable foundation which covers all school charities.  Cheques should be made out to the Lambton Kent District School Board, (i.e. not the Science Education Partnership).  It is a registered charitable organization with Revenue Canada.  Tax receipts are issued for all donations.  Cheques should be sent to the Science Education Partnership Science Centre, c/o Errol Road Public School, 989 Errol Road East, Sarnia ON, N7S 2E6.

Past Community and Business Partners 1992-2024

  • Arlanxeo

  • Basell Polyolefins

  • Bluewater Power

  • Dresden Rotary Club​​

  • Cabot Carbon

  • Canada Trust Friends of the Environment

  • Canadian Tire, Sarnia Store

  • Corteva Agrisciences

  • Enbridge

  • Guspro

  • Imperial

  • Laidlaw

  • Lanxess Inc (ARLANXEO)

  • Maple City Optimists

  • Meritor Industries

  • Ministry of the Environment

  • Navistar Engineering Group

  • Nova Chemicals Canada Inc.

  • Ontario Power Generation

  • Pioneer Hi-bred

  • Shell Environmental Fund

  • Siemens Canada

  • Suncor Energy Foundation

  • TD Friends of the Environment

  • Todgham & Case Associates Inc

  • Union Gas (now Enbridge)