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Lambton Kent District School Board
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Skip Navigation LinksSchool Based Awards
Eligible Candidate
Type of Award
School Name
The Art Christmas Memorial Bursary is awarded to students with outstanding community service that are aimed at a field in Music as a major area of study.
See Student Services for an application. Eligible candidates must also complete an essay summarizing their interest in a career in the Arts and their plan to achieve this.
Deadline for application:
Secondary/high school students who start an OSAID group at their schools can win a scholarship.  You are a full time secondary/ high school student
You have started a new OSAID chapter at your school
You have helped organize and implemented one OSAID activity or event at your school
You must submit a letter of support from your Principal or a teacher and the letter must refer to your OSAID work and the activity you helped to organize and run.
Application process available on the OSAID website.
Deadline for application: Check website for deadline dates.
College/UniversityBursaryGLSS, LCCVI, NCIVS, NLSS
The Bob Maughan Memorial Award is awarded to a student that has demonstrated need, and have also been a resident of Point Edward for at least two years leading up to graduation.
See Student Services for an application.
Deadline for application:
College, Graduating StudentScholarshipAMSS, BDHS, CKSS, GLSS, JMSS, LCCVI, LKCS, NCIVS, NLSS, RDHS, TDHS, WDSS
This is awarded to a student attending post-secondary in an agriculture program. The student must have acceptable grades, good character, involvement in student activities and enthusiastic volunteerism. The student must be active in the Agricultural community.
Application and instructions for submission can be found at
Deadline for application: November 30
Anyone, Graduating StudentBursaryAMSS, LCCVI, NLSS500.00
The Brook Alvinston Inwood Minor Hockey Assotiation (Armstrong Foundation) Bursary shall be awareded to students who were registered with and played hockey for a minimum of 5 years with the East Lambton Minor Hockey Association and who were bona fide residents of the Brooke Alvinston Inwood Minor Hockey Association catchment area. Candidates will have successfully completed one year of Post Secondary Education including: University, College, Trades School or Apprenticeship.
Complete application.
Deadline for application: December 1st
Graduating StudentScholarshipLCCVI, NLSS4 awards at $1000
Awarded to a student having graduated from Secondary School in either the current or previous school year. Must be accepted in a post-secondary program. Must be entering or attending the first year of post-secondary education. Payment will be made after proof of payment of tuition and enrolment. The scholarship will be awarded based on community involvement, involvement in school activities, academic standing and other criteria as determined by the selection Committee.
Student to complete application form. Student to submit a letter explaining what they have done in their personal life, their community and their school to make them eligible for the scholarship. A letter of reference from one of their high school teachers. A letter of reference from a member of their community. A final transcript of grades. An interview may be required at the request of the selection committee. Forms can be obtained from Brooke Telecom directly – see website Brooke Telecom
Deadline for application: Second Friday of July
CollegeScholarshipGLSS, LCCVI, NCIVS, NLSS
The Bryan Jackson Sarnia Kiwanis Memorial Scholarship is awarded to a deserving student from Lambton County that is going into Electronic Technology. The student must show academic improvement, involvement in extra-curricular activities, and demonstrate need.
Send an outline to the Kiwanis Club of Sarnia.
Deadline for application:
The Canadian Federation of University Women- Olive Logie Award is awarded to a female student that has demonstrated need and are also proceeding to post-secondary education.
See Student Services for an application.
Deadline for application:
CollegeScholarshipGLSS, LCCVI, NCIVS, NLSS
The M. Scott Mays Award is awarded to a student based on their best six University entrance courses. Those courses must include one of: English, Math or French.
Automatic consideration.
Deadline for application:
College, Graduating Student, Non-graduatingScholarshipAMSS, BDHS, CKSS, GLSS, JMSS, LCCVI, LKCS, NCIVS, NLSS, RDHS, TDHS, WDSS
The Celebration of Youth- Awards of Distinction are awarded to Lambton youth that demonstrate sensitivity to others, talent, innovation and outstanding achievement in one of the following areas: Arts & Culture; Community Volunteerism and Humanitarianism; Science and Technology; Environment; Health and Fitness; Recreation Apprenticeship; Best All Around Student; International Ambassador and Personal Achievement.
References and application are to be submitted. Successful applicants attend interviews mid April. Please check website for exact details.
Deadline for application: Early March
The Century Club Memorial University Fund Awards are awarded to two students that have demonstrated need. Exceptions are made for children or grandchildren of a member of the Central United Church or Century Club.
See Student Services for an application.
Deadline for application:
CollegeScholarshipGLSS, LCCVI, NCIVS, NLSS
The CineSARNIA Scholarship is awarded to a student based on their best six courses for entry to a college or university program aimed at a field in film or stage production.
See Student Services for an application. Attach a brief (500 words) summary of your participation in film/theatre activities during your secondary school career to your application.
Deadline for application:
AnyoneScholarshipAMSS, GLSS, LCCVI, NCIVS, NLSS$200
This is an annual $200 award available to one student in each High School in Lambton County that has students who have an intellectual / developmental disability (North Lambton, Great Lakes, Alexander Mackenzie, Northern, L.C.C.V.I. and St. Patrick’s). The successful applicants will be students who: have been involved/volunteered with Community Living Sarnia-Lambton or with another agency that supports people who have an intellectual / developmental disability, or have been significantly involved in supporting a student(s) or person(s) who has(have) an intellectual / developmental disability in realizing their potential within their school or community.
Applicants/nominees must have their application form completed before their school’s deadline for receiving applicants/nominees for awards to be presented at their school’s graduation or award ceremonies. Applications will be reviewed by their school’s Guidance Office and/or Scholarship/Awards Committee(s). Community Living Sarnia-Lambton will be informed by their High School’s representative(s) of the successful award recipient, immediately following the selection process.
Deadline for application:
The District 38 Retired Teachers' Memorial Bursary is awarded to students that have demonstrated need.
See Student Services for an application.
Deadline for application:
CollegeScholarshipGLSS, LCCVI, NCIVS, NLSS
The Dr. A.R. Wells Scholarship is awarded to two students based on their best six university entrance courses. The student must be a son/daughter of a present employee, retiree, or deceased former employee of the Lambton-Kent District School Board (Lambton County area).
See Student Services for an application.
Deadline for application:
The Dr. Randel Williams Memorial Award is awarded to a student that has demonstrated need, and will be pursuing a post-secondary program that will lead to Dental Care.
See Student Services for an application.
Deadline for application:
Graduating StudentScholarshipNLSS$3000
Applicants for this bursary must:
1. Be enrolled in a Canadian College or University.
2. Be a resident of the Forest community.
3. Show volunteer commitment in the Forest community.
4. Show involvement in a variety of school activities during his/her enrollment at NLSS.
5. Financial need will be a committee consideration.
See Student Services for an Applicaiton.
Deadline for application: June 1
Apprenticeship, College, UniversityBursaryNLSSVaries
The James (Maggie) McPherson Memorial Bursary is awarded to a Forest Student that demonstrates financial need. This student must be pursuing college, university or apprenticeship.
See Student Services for an application.
Deadline for application:
CollegeScholarshipGLSS, LCCVI, NCIVS, NLSS
The Gallery in the Grove Scholarship is awarded to students that are entering an Art program at a University in Canada, The Ontario College of Art or a Community College Art Program outside of Sarnia. Students must have participated in an Art Program and be selected by the Art teaching staff for creative ability, and involvement in projects beyond the classroom.
Students must identify themselves to their Art Teacher as an interested candidate for either award (college or university). Be prepared to present your Art Portfolio.
Deadline for application:
The I.O.D.E. Bursaries are awarded to students that have demonstrated need.
See Student Services for an application.
Deadline for application:
CollegeScholarshipGLSS, LCCVI, NCIVS, NLSS
The I.O.D.E. Scholarships are awarded to students based on their best six university or college entrance courses (based on aggregate).
The recipient must not have received greater than $1000 in other awards (entrance scholarships excluded).
Automatic consideration.
Deadline for application:
College/University, Graduating StudentBursaryAMSS, GLSS, LCCVI, NCIVS, NLSS
A scholarship will be awarded to a graduating student who has shown significant improvement in literacy during his/her secondary schooling. Student must attend a Sarnia/Lambton secondary school and entering a post secondary education. Applicants must be entering post secondary education, in the fall immediately following graduation. The successful applicant will be required to provide proof of enrollment in a college/university, prior to the funds being released. Applicants are required to provide their most recent transcript of marks which indicates an academic improvement, in literacy, during their secondary school tenure. Applicants are asked to include one (or more) reference letter, from a teacher or school principal, indicating why the student merits the award. Applicants in need of financial assistance will be given first consideration.
Applicants must submit their entry in a sealed envelope, addressed to their school Student Services Department, RE: Ian Hodgkinson Memorial Literacy Award. Entries will include: a) the applicants most recent transcript of marks, as noted in the criteria above; b) a reference letter, as noted in the criteria above; and c) a cover page indicating: student’s name, address, email, secondary school and the post secondary school to be attending in September. • Student Services Departments will review their submissions and select one entry to forward to the Business Department (Sarnia Education Centre) Student Services Department will advise unsuccessful applicants within their school. • Business Department will collect entries from the applicable secondary schools. An awards selection panel will determine the successful applicant. A letter will be addressed to the successful applicant advising of the process to receive the award funds.
Deadline for application: June 1
College/University, Graduating StudentBursaryAMSS, GLSS, LCCVI, NCIVS, NLSS
A scholarship will be awarded to a graduating student  who has volunteered his/her time to improve literacy within his/her school or community. Student must attend a Sarnia/Lambton secondary school and be entering a post secondary education. Applicants must be entering post secondary education, in the fall immediately following graduation. The successful applicant will be required to provide proof of enrollment in a college/university, prior to the funds being released. Applicants are required to provide a written/typed submission (maximum of 250 words) describing their volunteer experience and why they felt it was important to assist others with literacy. Applicants are asked to include a reference letter, from a teacher or community member, supporting the student’s volunteer work with literacy, with their submission. Applicants in need of financial assistance will be given first consideration.
Applicants must submit their entry in a sealed envelope, addressed to their school Student Services Department, RE: Ian Hodgkinson Memorial School/Community Literacy Award. Entries will include: a) the applicants written/typed submission as noted in the criteria above; b) a reference letter as noted in the criteria above; and c) a cover page indicating: student’s name, address, email, secondary school and the post secondary school to be attending in September. • Student Services Departments will review their submissions and select one entry to forward to the Business Department (Sarnia Education Centre) Student Services Department will advise unsuccessful applicants within their school. • Business Department will collect entries from the applicable secondary schools. An awards selection panel will determine the successful applicant. A letter will be addressed to the successful applicant advising of the process to receive the award funds.
Deadline for application: June 1
This scholarship is offered to an Ontario bases, June graduating secondary school student who has done outstanding work in raising awareness about impaired driving in the school and community.
Must be a leader member in school’s OSAID chapter and taken part in OSAID activities and events  for two years.
Must have helped organize at least 2 school campaigns and 1 community wide campaign.
Application form is available on the OSAID website.
Deadline for application: See website for deadline dates.
The Jeane Houghton Memorial Award is awarded to a student that is enrolled in a University Music Program.
See Student Services for an application.
Deadline for application:
College/University, Graduating StudentScholarshipAMSS, GLSS, LCCVI, NCIVS, NLSS
Be a resident of Lambton County and a Canadian citizen or landed immigrant. Have 80 Volunteer hours in the last 4 years. Be committed to the idea of paying it forward. Hold an average of at last 70% in Grade 11 and 12 Proof of enrolment of post-secondary educational program focused on the performing or visual arts.
Please check the website for application instructions.
Deadline for application: Early April
College, Graduating Student, UniversityScholarshipNLSS$5000
Applicants for the scholarship must:
1. Be enrolled in a Canadian College or University.
2. Be a graduating student of NLSS.
3. Show involvement in a variety of school, extracurricular and community activities during his/her enrollment at NLSS.
4. Financial need will be a committee consideration.
5. Other scholarships will be a committee consideration.
See Student Services for an Application.
Deadline for application: May 1
Open to anyone who resides in Lambton County or has significant involvement in the Lambton agricultural community, pursuing post secondary education who can demonstrate involvement and interest in the Ontario Beef Industry.
Complete attached application. The LCA will collect the complete applications from applicants. The LCA scholarship committee will select the winner and contact them.
Deadline for application: October 31
College/University, Graduating StudentBursaryAMSS, GLSS, LCCVI, NCIVS, NLSS$500
Each candidate for the award must: 1. be a Canadian citizen or landed immigrant; 2. be enrolled in a Canadian University or College; 3. have been in attendance at a Lambton County Secondary School; and 4. intend to pursue a history or related career. Conditions of the bursary: 1. First priority will be given to a student enrolled in a history major or history related university or college program. 2. Second priority. If there are no applicants under #1 the award may be awarded to any student pursuing University/College degree or certificate. 3. Selections will be made on the basis of 50% academic standing and 50% other criteria such as community involvement, extra curricular activities and financial need. 4. Each candidate must complete and submit this application form provided by the Lambton County Historical Society.
Complete and submit the attached application form to the Lambton Historical Society Bursary Committee.
Deadline for application: July 30
College, College/University, Graduating StudentScholarshipGLSS, LCCVI, LKCS, NCIVS, NLSS, WDSS
The Lambton Federation of Agriculture offers a variety of Scholarships to candidates who reside in Lambton County. Many of the awards are given to applicants who are from active farming families in Lambton County, however, more explicit up to date information can be found on their website.
Applications can be completed by visiting the website;
Deadline for application: July 15th
College/University, Graduating StudentScholarshipAMSS, BDHS, CKSS, GLSS, JMSS, LCCVI, LKCS, NCIVS, NLSS, RDHS, SCITS, SCSS, TDHS, WDSS
Five scholarships will be awarded to high school students who will be pursuing a full-time post-secondary education at a college or university level and who are sons/daughters of existing policyholders of Lambton Mutual Insurance Company. Applicants must be pursuing a full-time post-secondary education at a college or university level and must demonstrate community involvement, volunteerism and academic excellence.
To apply visit All applications must be typed and mailed to Lambton Mutual.
Deadline for application: Last business day in June of each year @ 4:30 p.m
College/UniversityBursaryAMSS, GLSS, LCCVI, NCIVS, NLSS
The Lambton Wildlife Inc. Environmental Bursary is awarded to a student that has demonstrated need, and is pursuing post-secondary education in environmental care or a related field (such as Science). The eligible candidate also should have demonstrated commitment to a better environment during Secondary School.
See Student Services for an application.
Deadline for application:
The Learning Disabilities Association of Lambton County will award eligible students that will be attending university/college with a learning disability.
To apply visit for contact information.
Deadline for application:
College/University, Graduating StudentScholarshipAMSS, BDHS, CKSS, GLSS, JMSS, LCCVI, LKCS, NCIVS, NLSS, RDHS, TDHS, WDSS
Applicable to all students entering post-secondary school in Sept 2022 in the Sarnia-Lambton and Chatham-Kent regions.
To apply, please visit Mainstreet Credit Union
Deadline for application: July 31, 2022
College, Graduating Student, UniversityBursaryNLSS$100
The Masonic Lodge Bursary is awarded to a graduating student of N.L.S.S. that has demonstrated financial need, as well as community involvement.
Automatic consideration.
Deadline for application:
Student must be enrolled at a Canadian university or college as a full time student in the current year of the awarding scholarship. The program is available to anyone attending, not just first year students. Children of staff, agents and directors of North Kent Mutual Insurance do not qualify for this award.
The application must be fully completed and received by North Kent Mutual no later than August 31, 2020 by email to or by mail to North Kent Mutual Insurance Company C/O the Goodwill Committee, PO Box 478, 29553 St. George Street, Dresden, Ontario, N0P 1M0. Please share your thoughts on the following question in a format that best suits your skills and interests ( ie. essay of approximately 750 words, video, presentation, artwork, etc.). “ North Kent Mutual Insurance has been serving our local communities for over one hundred years. What does the statement “shop locally” mean to you ? How and who benefits from shopping locally?” Award winners will be required to provide proof of enrolment from the Registrar’s office in a full time post-secondary educational program prior to scholarship funds being released. Award winners will be required to provide their social insurance number (SIN) for tax purposes. Scholarship award winners will be notified by November 1st.
Deadline for application: August 31
CollegeScholarshipGLSS, LCCVI, NCIVS, NLSS
The Ontario Moose Lodge Scholarship is awarded to students who are entering into post-secondary education and are a child/grandchild of a Moose Lodge member. If more than three applicants apply, it will be a lottery selection.
To apply: contact Ernest Hill
Moose Lodge #1046
874 Philip Street, Sarnia, ON
N7T 1Z6
Phone: 336-7900
Deadline for application:
Awarded to two students per school who demonstrated strong academic standing and focus in science, math, or technology.
Application to be completed and submitted to Student Services.
Deadline for application: Early June
The Percy Jones Memorial Bursary is awarded to students that have demonstrated need, and have been a resident in Point Edward at the time of Secondary School graduation (however, being a resident is not necessary to win the award).
See Student Services for an application.
Deadline for application:
The Royal Canadian Air Force Association Wing 403 (Sarnia) Award is awarded to a student that has demonstrated need.
See Student Services for an application.
Deadline for application:
CollegeScholarshipGLSS, LCCVI, NCIVS, NLSS
The Sarnia-Lambton Real Estate Scholarship is awarded to a student based on their best six senior courses with a minimum of a 75% average. The eligible candidate must be a son/daughter/dependent/grandchild of living or deceased Broker, Sales Rep or Association Member of the Sarnia-Lambton Real Estate Board.
See Student Services for an application.
Deadline for application:
The Pappy Burr Award is awarded to a student that lives in the Lambton County and attended a Lambton County Secondary School. The eligible candidate must exhibit academic and athletic talent and also be proceeding to College or University.
Eligible candidates are to submit a resume outlining academic, sports, and leadership abilities to Student Services for mailing.
Deadline for application: early April
The Scottish Rite Club Bursary is awarded to a student that has demonstrated need.
See Student Services for an application.
Deadline for application:
Apprenticeship, CollegeBursary, ScholarshipAMSS, BDHS, CKSS, GLSS, JMSS, LCCVI, LKCS, NCIVS, NLSS, RDHS, TDHS, WDSS
This scholarship supports students entering or continuing in trades education.
Deadline for application: end of March
CollegeScholarshipGLSS, LCCVI, LKCS, NCIVS, NLSS
The Tony Stranak Conservation Scholarship is awarded to a student that attended secondary school in the St. Clair Region Conservation Authority jurisdiction. The student must be continuing education in the conservation or environmental field.
Application can be downloaded from
Deadline for application: late May
College, College/UniversityBursaryGLSS, LCCVI, NCIVS, NLSS
Graduating students from AMSS, LCCVI, NLSS, NCIVS, GLSS and St. Patrick’s H.S. One male and one female recipient of the bursary will be selected. Student will be attending a post-secondary institution following graduation. Good academic average in all four years of secondary school. Involvement in extra-curricular and co-curricular activities in all four years of secondary school. The purpose of the award is to honuor athletic achievement and ability. It is also expected that each candidate would possess sound academic skills and would have an average of approximately 80%.
Eligible students wishing to be considered shall advise their school’s Principal. No application required – recipients chosen by a selection committee. Reference letter from school staff member and a non-related community member.
Deadline for application: mid April.
College/University, Graduating StudentScholarshipNLSS2 awards at $500 each
The applicant must: be a student of North Lambton Secondary School (NLSS) and be in their graduating year, be enrolling in a first year, full-time program of study at a post-secondary school, graduate from NLSS with a minimum average of 70% in their graduation year as a full-time student, have demonstrated school spirit and the qualities of leadership among their peers while attending school, or have been deemed to have potential to positively impact the people around them, have actively participated in athletics or school teams and clubs, have worked and/or volunteered for a minimum of sixty (60) hours while attending NLSS, and have received a letter of recommendation from a teacher at NLSS.
Complete the attached application for the Stephen D. Smith Memorial Scholarship in full detail. Attach a transcript of the applicant’s most recent marks. Attach a letter of recommendation from a teacher at NLSS. Attach documentation that shows proof of the applicant’s work and/or volunteer hours. Return the completed application form and documents to by May 1st of the applicants’ graduating year. The Scholarship’s Awards Selection Committee shall, in its discretion, select two (2) candidates from the applications submitted.
Deadline for application: May 1st
- Applicant must have been a foster child with an official Canadian or American foster care program and agrees to having the above organization verify the same.
- Will be enrolled as a full-time student at a recognized general/ vocational College or post-secondary institution in Canada or USA as of Sept 2021.
- Canadian or American Citizen or Permanent Resident
- Applicant must be 24 years of age or less at the time of application
- Winner agrees to having his/her name, photo and post secondary institution displayed on the Storwell website.
To apply, complete the online application at
Deadline for application: Dec 31
CollegeScholarshipGLSS, LCCVI, NCIVS, NLSS
The Susan Moffatt Memorial Scholarship is awarded to a student who has overcome a significant physical disability and wishes to pursue a College or University education. Ideally, the student will have chosen History as a major area of study, but if none have, 1st criterion is sufficient.
Please visit the website for application details. Applications get submitted directly to the foundation.
Deadline for application: early June
The Jim Stokley Scholarship will be awarded to a post secondary student who will be attending Lambton College and shows the same characteristics Jim himself valued. It will not simply go to the best student, but the one with the biggest heart. 
Please visit website for application form.
Deadline for application: May 1st.
Anyone, Graduating StudentScholarshipAMSS, GLSS, LCCVI, NCIVS, NLSS, WDSS$200 each
There will be one recipient per eligible school. The recipient must: be a graduating student; participate in school and/or community services; have a positive attitude towards their school community, peers, teachers, etc.; display an understanding of civic responsibility; and possess a strength of character to do what’s right.
Automatic consideration.
Deadline for application: