The Lambton Kent District School Board (LKDSB) is committed to providing safe learning environments for all students, staff and visitors.
Collective agreements for all education unions expire August 31, 2022, which includes Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE); Elementary Teachers' Federation of Ontario (ETFO); Occasional Teachers of the Elementary Teachers' Federation of Ontario (ETFO-LKEOT); and Ontario Secondary School Teachers' Federation (OSSTF).
Contract negotiations continue to be an ongoing focus for the Ministry and LKDSB moving forward. Visit the individual webpages for the specific union groups for up-to-date details regarding contract negotiations.
In the event of a strike action involving any of the union groups, LKDSB Senior Administration, Principals and Vice-Principals will work together with staff to maintain caring, safe and positive school environments for students.
Student safety and learning remain a top priority for all LKDSB staff and the LKDSB will be taking all measures to ensure the educational impact on students is minimized.
LKDSB is hopeful fair agreements can be reached for all union groups, and job actions will be avoided.
Check this website for up-to-date information regarding all contract negotiations.
For more information, refer to the Collective Agreements.
IMPORTANT UPDATE: Please read an update regarding Canadian Union of
Public Employees (CUPE) contract negotiations.