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Lambton Kent District School Board
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LKDSB Commemorates Treaties Recognition Week Nov. 1-5

October 29, 2021
Treaties Week - website banner.png
The Lambton Kent District School Board (LKDSB) commemorates Treaties Recognition Week from November 1-5, joining school boards across the province in promoting education and awareness about treaty rights and treaty relationships between Indigenous and non-Indigenous people in Ontario.

This year, the LKDSB Indigenous Education Team is continuing to focus on increasing awareness and understanding of treaties. During Treaties Recognition Week, students and staff will engage in curriculum activities related to honouring the original promises of the land - a shared responsibility for all. Students and staff will reflect on how individual decisions and behaviours impact the land we live on and how to make better use of natural resources.

“Understanding treaty rights and treaty relationships is important to furthering knowledge, understanding and taking action towards truth and reconciliation with Indigenous peoples. Through the support of the Indigenous Education Team, LKDSB staff and students will participate in curriculum activities during Treaties Recognition Week. We understand this is part of ongoing conversations and actions throughout the school year to further the important work of education in the truth and reconciliation process,” said Director John Howitt.

The LKDSB recognizes the traditional land of Aamjiwnaang First Nation; Eelŭnaapéewi Lahkéewiit (Delaware Nation), Kettle & Stony Point First Nation; and Walpole Island (Bkejwanong) First Nation. We acknowledge that the Chippewa, Odawa, Potawatomi known as the Anishinaabeg and the Delaware known as Lunaapeew inhabited these lands at the time of the written treaties, these being: Treaty #2, Treaty #7 and Treaty #29. The LKDSB appreciates the ongoing support and partnership of First Nations to collectively promote education and mutual understanding of Indigenous rights, histories, knowledge, culture, and perspectives.

For more information about LKDSB Indigenous Education, visit:​