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Lambton Kent District School Board
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News Item


Great Lakes Secondary School Unveils New Logo

May 30, 2017

Great Lakes Secondary School (GLSS) recently unveiled its new “Wolfpack” logo design to students and staff, which reinforces the school’s transition to a new, unified identity.

The visual identity includes a howling wolf to symbolize the “Wolfpack” mascot, which was selected by the Transition Committee due to its embodiment of the character traits of strength, tenacity, loyalty and unity. The official logo was created by a local graphic design company and combines the name of the school, the mascot and the school colours of blue, black and silver.

The Identity Committee, chaired by GLSS teachers April Brander and Paul Frayne, oversaw the logo design, which incorporates design suggestions from staff, students, parents and community members.

“Students and staff at Great Lakes Secondary School have been working hard to establish a unified school identity and the positive response from students and staff on the design reinforces that the new logo is another step forward in this transition,” said Jim Costello, Director of Education.

The logo will be incorporated in the school branding, including signage, athletic uniforms, spirit wear, website and social media accounts. As well, a visual representation of the logo will be integrated into the permanent school site. Athletic uniforms branded with the new logo are expected to be available for the 2017-2018 school year.

For more information, please read the message from GLSS Principal Paul Wiersma: 

Please see the official logo below:

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For additional information contact:
Jane Bryce, Chair of the Board, 519-899-2619
Jim Costello, Director of Education, 519-336-1500, Ext 31297
Gary Girardi, Superintendent of Education – Capital Planning & Accommodation, 519-336-1500, Ext. 31486

For reference information contact:
Heather Hughes, Public Relations Officer, 519-336-1500, Ext. 31262
May 30, 2017