LNO AO1 Ojibwe - Level One
This course is for students who have little or no background in Ojibwe. This course introduces students to language elements they will need to begin to communicate with native speakers. Students will participate in practical activities through which they can apply their knowledge and skills, and will begin to explore careers that require knowledge of the language of study. They will explore aspects of the culture of countries where the language under study is spoken, including social customs, music, and food, by participating in cultural events and activities involving both print and technological resources.
LNO BO1 Ojibwe - Level Two
This course is for students who have studied Ojibwe for at least four years in elementary school or have completed LNO AO1. This course provides students with opportunities to further develop their oral communication skills in the language of study, increase their confidence in using the language in practical situations, and continue to investigate related career opportunities. Students will be involved in activities that promote the use of the language in real-life situations. They will also continue their exploration of the culture of countries where the language under study is spoken. Although students will continue to expand their vocabulary and repertoire of language structures, the language they will use at this level will still be simple.
LNO CO1 Ojibwe - Level Three
This Grade 10 course is for students who have taken LNO BO1 and is an opportunity to expand their knowledge of a Native language and of Native philosophy, spirituality, and values, and to enhance their identity and self-worth. Students will communicate by using a variety of phrases and expressions, create short conversations, skits, stories, and narratives, use information technology, and develop an awareness of the structural and functional workings of a Native language.
LNO DO1 Ojibwe - Level Four
This Grade 11 course will provide students with opportunities to further develop their knowledge of a Native language and of Native philosophy, spirituality, and values, and to enhance their sense of identify and self-worth. Students will increase their vocabulary and their facility in using idioms, and will use the Native language to analyse literature, discuss various issues that affect the local community, and exchange information electronically.
LNO EO1 Ojibwe - Level Five
This Grade 12 course provides students with opportunities to increase their knowledge of Ojibwe and its culture. Students will increase their vocabulary; use complex language structures and formal language; and use Ojibwe to analyse literature, discuss issues (e.g. Ojibwe economic development, personal development), and study Native customs, traditions, and world views. They will examine differences in dialects while communicating with others electronically.