PPZ 3C1 Health for Life
This course enables students to examine the factors that
influence their own health practices and behaviours as well as those
factors that contribute to the development of
healthy communities. It emphasizes the concept of wellness, which
addresses all aspects of well-being – physical, cognitive, emotional,
spiritual, and social – and promotes healthy
eating, physical activity, and building and maintaining a positive sense
of self. Students will develop the skills necessary to make healthy
choices and create a personal wellness
plan. They will also design initiatives that encourage others to lead
healthy, active lives. The course prepares students for college programs
in health sciences, fitness, wellness,
and health promotion.
PLF 4M1 Recreation and Fitness Leadership
This course enables students to explore the benefits of lifelong
participation in active recreation and healthy leisure and to develop
the leadership and coordinating skills
needed to plan, organize, and safely implement recreational events and
other activities related to healthy, active living. Students will also
learn how to promote the benefits of
healthy, active living to others through mentoring and assisting them in
making informed decisions that enhance their well-being. The course
will prepare students for university
programs in physical education and health and kinesiology and for
college and university programs in recreation and leisure management,
fitness and health promotion, and
fitness leadership.
Prerequisite: Any health and physical education course
*NOTE: Available only at WDSS
Standing Bear Youth Leadership Course
This course is a partnership between LKDSB and Indigenous Sport and Wellness Ontario. This core initiative is designed to strengthen individual and community wellness by supporting Indigenous youth to make positive changes, through access to culturally grounded opportunities for growth and development. There will be multiple learning experiences connected to community and support students in their learning, including their education and career/life planning, at school and beyond, today and in the future. Within the context of their experience connected to a community, students will apply skills, knowledge, and habits of mind that will protect and promote their health, safety, and well-being and that will strengthen their inquiry, decision-making, and leadership skills. This program is grounded by Indigenous culture and focused on a future that contributes to holistic, supportive, healthy and safe communities. Fostering Indigenous youth who are more active, vocal, confident, and connected.
PSK 4U1 Introductory Kinesiology
This course focuses on the study of human movement and of
systems, factors, and principles involved in human development. Students
will learn about the effects of
physical activity on health and performance, the evolution of physical
activity and sport, and the physiological, psychological, and social
factors that influence an individual’s
participation in physical activity and sport. The course prepares
students for university programs in physical education and health,
kinesiology, health sciences, health studies,
recreation, and sports administration.
PREREQUISITE: Any Grade 11 university or university/college
preparation course in science, or any Grade 11 or 12 course in health
and physical education.