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Lambton Kent District School Board
Every Student, Every Day
Student Trustees

​​Student Trustee (1).png

​What is a Student Trustee?​​

The primary role of the Student Trustee is to bring student voices to the Board of Trustees table. Three Student Trustees serve on the Lambton Kent District School Board.  

Student Trustees will:
  • attend all Board Meetings;
  • be seated at the Board table and be able to participate in all Board deliberations within the public domain as well as provide input;
  • be entitled to have their non-binding vote recorded in the Board Minutes if they request it;
  • be able to introduce agenda items as per the Board’s Procedural By-laws;
  • be reimbursed for transportation costs to and from Board Meetings, and for other eligible expenses incurred in the performance of their duties according to Board Regulations R-BU-502;
  • be entitled to the same professional development budget as elected Trustees.
Student Trustees will receive an honorarium in the amount of $2,500.00 as outlined in the Ministry of Education Regulation 07/07. Hours served count toward Community Involvement Activities.

Interested in Becoming a Member?

If you are a secondary school student interested in being a Student Trustee for the next school year, please speak with your Principal or Vice-Principal. Application packages must be submitted to the Director of Education by January 31, 2024.

Each school will nominate 1 non-Indigenous Student Trustee and 1 Indigenous Student Trustee (a student who identifies as First Nations, Métis or Inuit). Elections will occur at the Student Senate meeting on February 21, 2024 beginning at 5 p.m.​







Student Trustee Policies - P-AD-123