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LKDSB Recognizes National Indigenous Peoples Day on June 21

June 20, 2023


The Lambton Kent District School Board (LKDSB) is recognizing National Indigenous Peoples Day on June 21 to celebrate the heritage, diverse cultures and outstanding achievements of First Nations, Inuit and Métis peoples.

Throughout the month of June during National Indigenous History Month, and in particular on June 21, it is important for all Canadians to recognize and celebrate the history, heritage, resilience and diversity of First Nations, Inuit and Métis. LKDSB works in partnership with Aamjiwnaang First Nation, Walpole Island First Nation – Bkejwanong Territory, Eelŭnaapéewi Lahkéewiit (Delaware Nation) and Kettle & Stony Point First Nation throughout the year to further the learning and understanding of Indigenous rights, histories, knowledge, culture, and perspectives.

National Aboriginal Day, now National Indigenous Peoples Day, was announced in 1996 by then Governor General of Canada, Roméo LeBlanc, through the proclamation declaring June 21 of each year as National Aboriginal Day. The day was renamed National Indigenous Peoples Day in 2017. Read more about National Indigenous Peoples Day.

Information and resources have been shared with LKDSB staff to support ongoing education and understanding of the contributions, histories and current lived experiences of Indigenous Peoples. LKDSB appreciates the support of Elders and Knowledge Keepers to promote cultural and historical connections and experiences of Indigenous communities; share knowledge and language; and celebrate the resilience of First Nations, Inuit and Métis.

LKDSB also recognizes the historic and ongoing impacts of colonialism and remains committed to renewing relationships and advancing obligations to reconciliation, particularly as it relates to education.

“LKDSB understands the importance of furthering its relationship with First Nations, Inuit and Métis Peoples based on the recognition of rights, respect and partnership,” said Chair Randy Campbell. “We will continue to work alongside Aamjiwnaang First Nation, Walpole Island First Nation – Bkejwanong Territory, Eelŭnaapéewi Lahkéewiit (Delaware Nation) and Kettle & Stony Point First Nation to foster academic success and well-being for all students.”

“On June 21 and throughout the school year, the LKDSB renews its commitment to promoting Indigenous histories, cultures and experiences, including traditional knowledge, language, and reconciliation,” said Director John Howitt. “In support of the LKDSB’s strategic priority of ‘Inclusive Diversity: Champion anti-oppressive education,’ we continue to partner with First Nations, Inuit and Métis to benefit the education, understanding and well-being of Indigenous students, staff and communities.”

For additional information contact: 
Randy Campbell, Chair of the Board, (226) 996-9717 
John Howitt, Director of Education, (519) 336-1500 Ext 31297

For reference information contact: 
Heather Hughes, Public Relations Officer, (519) 336-1500 Ext 31262


John McGregor Secondary School
300 Cecile Ave, Chatham, ON, N7M 2C6
Principal: Tiffany Cadotte
Vice Principal: Derek Quigley
Vice Principal: Todd Wood
Bus Zone: 7, 8BUS STATUS

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