Resources and Supports for Tough Times
Websites for Information, Support and Sharing:
Kids Help Phone - 1-800-668-6868
My Health Magazine -
Mind Your Mind -
Children's Mental Health Ontario -
We R Kids -
Where to Call:
Emergency - dial 911 or go to the nearest hospital
Find help in your community -
C-K Children's - 519-352-0440
Victim Services - 519-436-6630
Canadian Mental Health - 519-436-6100
WAYS 24 hr. Crisis Line - 519-354-4095
Access Open Minds – 519-437-6329 ext. 6010
St. Clair and Youth Services - 519-337-3701
Victim Services - 519-344-8861
Canadian Mental Health - 519-337-5411
Sarnia Distress Line - 519-336-3000
Who to Speak to:
Parent - Family Doctor
Relative - Teacher/Principal
Trusted Adult - Coach
Counsellor - Friend
Social Worker - Neighbour
Public Health Nurse - Clergy
Code of Conduct
The Lambton Kent District School Board Code of Conduct is established in keeping with the requirements of the provincial Code of Conduct and the standards of behaviour as set forth by the province of Ontario. The Lambton Kent District School Board Code of Conduct sets clear standards of behaviour in order to ensure the rights and responsibilities of all members of the school community. The Code of Conduct applies whether persons are on school property, on school buses, at school-authorized events or activities or in other circumstances that could have an impact on the school climate.
JMSS promotes responsibility, respect, civility and academic excellence in a safe learning and teaching environment. All students, parents, teachers and staff have the right to be safe, and feel safe, in their school community. With this right comes the responsibility to be law-abiding citizens and to be accountable for actions that put at risk the safety of others or oneself.
Respect, Civility, and Responsible Citizenship
All members of the school community must:
- respect and comply with all applicable federal, provincial, and municipal laws;
- demonstrate honesty and integrity;
- respect differences in people, their ideas, and their opinions;
- respect the need of others to work in an environment that is conducive to learning and teaching, including by ensuring that personal mobile devices are only used during instructional time for the educational and permitted purposes in the following circumstances:
- for educational purposes as directed by an educator
- for health or medical purposes
- to support special education needs
- cell phones, cameras and other digital imaging and/or audio recording devices are NOT permitted to be used in change rooms or washrooms at any time.
- treat one another with dignity and respect at all times, and especially when there is disagreement;
- respect and treat others fairly, regardless of race, ancestry, place of origin, colour, ethnic origin, citizenship, creed, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, age, marital status, family status, or disability and other protected areas under the Ontario Human Rights Code. All LKDSB employees are obligated to recognize, respond and prevent discrimination which can be direct, indirect, subtle and unintentional. Examples of common forms of discrimination include: harassment, poisoned environment, systemic discrimination, reprisal and condonation. Working within the lens of anti-racism specifically and anti-discrimination generally, all staff are expected to respond appropriately to human rights concerns and complaints;
- respect the rights of others;
- show proper care and regard for school property and the property of others;
- take appropriate measures to help those in need;
- seek assistance from a member of the school staff, if necessary, to resolve conflict peacefully;
- respect all members of the school community, especially persons in positions of authority;
- not swear at a teacher or at another person in a position of authority;
All members of the school community must not:
- engage in bullying behaviours;
- commit sexual assault;
- traffic weapons or illegal or restricted drugs;
- give alcohol or cannabis to a minor;
- commit robbery;
- be in possession of any weapon, including firearms or replicas;
- use any object to threaten or intimidate another person;
- cause injury to any person with an object;
- be in possession of, or be under the influence of alcohol, cannabis (unless the individual has been authorized to use cannabis for medical purposes), and illegal drugs;
- provide others with alcohol, illegal drugs, or cannabis (unless the recipient is an individual who has been authorized to use cannabis for medical purposes);
- inflict or encourage others to inflict bodily harm on another person;
- engage in hate propaganda and other forms of behaviour motivated by hate or bias;
- commit an act of vandalism that causes extensive damage to school property or to property located on the premises of the school.
Students are to be treated with respect and dignity. In return, they must demonstrate respect for themselves, for others, and for the responsibilities of citizenship through acceptable behaviour. Respect and responsibility are demonstrated when a student:
- comes to school prepared, on time, and ready to learn;
- shows respect for himself or herself, for others, and for those in authority;
- refrains from bringing anything to school that may compromise the safety of others;
- follows the established rules and takes responsibility for his or her own actions;
- works in an environment that is conducive to learning and teaching, including by ensuring that personal mobile devices are only used during instructional time for the educational and permitted purposes in the following circumstances:
- for educational purposes as directed by an educator;
- for health or medical purposes;
- to support special education needs;
- cell phones, cameras and other digital imaging and/or audio recording devices are NOT permitted to be used in change rooms or washrooms at any time.
Parents/guardians play an important role in the education of their children and can support the efforts of school staff in maintaining a safe and respectful learning environment for all students. Parents/guardians fulfill their role when they:
- show an active interest in their child's work and progress;
- communicate regularly with the school;
- help their child be neat, appropriately dressed, and prepared for school;
- ensure that their child attends school regularly and on time;
- promptly report to the school their child's absence or late arrival;
- show that they are familiar with the provincial Code of Conduct, the Board's code of conduct, and school rules;
- encourage and assist their child in following the rules of behaviour;
- assist school staff in dealing with disciplinary issues involving their child.
Community Partners and the Police
Through outreach, partnerships already in place may be enhanced and new partnerships with community agencies and members of the community (e.g., Aboriginal Elders) may also be created. Community agencies are resources that school boards can use to deliver prevention or intervention programs. Protocols are effective ways of establishing linkages between school boards and community agencies, and of formalizing the relationship between them. These partnerships must respect all applicable collective agreements.
The police play an essential role in making LKDSB schools and communities safer. The police investigate incidents in accordance with the protocol developed with the local school board. These protocols are based on a provincial model that was revised in 2011 by the Ministry of Community Safety and Correctional Services and the Ministry of Education.
Bullying is typically a form of repeated, persistent, and aggressive behaviour that occurs in a context of a real or perceived imbalance of power between individuals. In any form, bullying adversely affects a student's well-being and ability to learn, undermines healthy relationships, and compromises the school climate.
Bullying means aggressive and typically repeated behaviour by a pupil where,
- The behaviour is intended by the pupil to have the effect of, or the pupil ought to know that the behaviour would be likely to have the effect of,
- Causing harm, fear or distress to another individual, including physical, psychological, social or academic harm, harm to the individual's reputation or harm to the individual's property, or
- Creating a negative environment at a school for another individual, and
- Behaviour occurs in a context where there is a real or perceived power imbalance between the pupil and the individual based on factors such as size, strength, age, intelligence, peer group power, economic status, social status, religion, ethnic origin, sexual orientation, family status, gender, gender identity, gender expression, race, disability or the receipt of special education. Note: If bullying involves a Code ground, it is harassment, and falls under human rights law.
Bullying behaviour may occur through the use of physical, verbal, electronic, written, or other means.
Bullying by electronic means (cyber-bullying) includes but may not be limited to:
- Creating a web page or a blog in which the creator assumes the identity of another person;
- Impersonating another person as the author of content or messages posted on the internet;
- Communicating material electronically to more than one individual or posting material on a website that may be accessed by one or more individuals.
Social Aggression: May be intentional or unintentional, direct or indirect. It can take many forms, sexist, racist, homophobic, or transphobic comments. If it is social or relational aggression, it is more subtle and may involve such behaviours as gossiping, spreading rumours, excluding others from a group, humiliating others with public gestures or graffiti, and shunning or ignoring. Social aggression may also occur through the use of technology.
Students are responsible to:
● Refrain from bullying behaviour.
● Report incidents of bullying behaviour to the principal, teachers, or other school staff.
● Refuse to participate in circumstances involving bullying behaviour.
● Remove themselves immediately from circumstances involving bullying behaviour.
● Seek adult intervention for circumstances involving bullying behaviour
Progressive Discipline
The principal or designate will use a progressive discipline strategy to address student infractions if a student has engaged in inappropriate behaviour. School leaders practice progressive discipline as part of a whole-school approach that involves a continuum of prevention programs, strategies for fostering and reinforcing positive behaviour and helping students make good choices, and age-appropriate interventions, supports, and consequences used to address inappropriate student behaviour.
A teacher or the principal or designate, as appropriate, will utilize early and/or ongoing intervention strategies to prevent unsafe or inappropriate behaviours and to guide students to more appropriate choices. For students with special education needs, this includes referring to their Individual Education Plan
(IEP) and consulting with appropriate staff to determine the best possible approaches.
Interventions may include:
- Contact with student's parent(s)/guardian(s);
- Oral reminders;
- Review of expectations;
- Written work assignment addressing the behaviour, that has a learning component;
- Volunteer services to the school community;
- Conflict mediation and resolution;
- Peer mentoring;
- Referral to counseling; and/or consultation.
- Meeting with the student's parent(s)/guardian(s), student and principal;
- Referral to a community agency for counseling or intervention related to anger management, substance abuse, or other
- Detentions;
- Withdrawal of privileges;
- Withdrawal from class;
- Restitution for damages;
- Restorative practices;
- Safe schools transfer
In some cases:
a. Suspension may be considered an appropriate progressive discipline step
b. Contact with CAS where required
c. Contact with police services where required
A bias-free approach is one that respects all people and groups, and reflects human rights principles. A bias-free approach helps build and foster a positive, safe, accepting, and respectful school culture and climate and helps students and their families, school staff, and other members of the school community.
Emergency Response
During any school year, there are a number of situations that can occur which require us to use Emergency Procedures. These may include a fire or evacuation drill, intruder alert, a tornado warning, or a hall sweep by administration and/or Police.
There are procedures for each situation that the students will practice. Although real situations are rare, students, staff, parents and visitors need to be aware of what is expected.
Hold and Secure
Used for: ongoing situation OUTSIDE that is not related to the school occurs i.e. bank robbery, community tragic event, etc.
- Staff assigned to monitor exits move to their area
- Any students on athletic fields should return to the school immediately
- Exterior doors are locked and monitored by staff
- Unassigned staff to the office
- All staff and students within the school are to remain within the classrooms until further notice
- No one is allowed outside; emergency response crews are allowed to enter.
- Staff quick look, halls adjacent to classrooms cleared
- Wait for directions
Shelter in Place
Used for: when it is necessary to keep all occupants within the school to protect them from an external situation involving environmental or weather-related factors i.e. chemical spills, blackouts, explosions or extreme weather conditions
- An announcement is made to "Shelter in Place"
- All staff and students within the school are to remain within the classrooms until further notice.
- Students in hallways or washrooms must return to class immediately.
- Staff adjacent to washrooms should do a quick check.
- Students on study periods should report to an area designated by the Principal.
- All students on athletic fields should return to the school immediately to an area designated by the Principal.
- Exterior doors locked/ windows closed/ ventilation systems turned off.
- Principal determines whether to bring in students from the portables based on the seriousness of the situation.
- Assign one staff member to monitor each exit.
- Exterior doors locked/windows closed/ventilation systems turned off
Parents/Guardians Please Note: To safeguard students and staff inside the building, exterior doors need to remain closed during a shelter in place situation. Travel to a school through conditions requiring a shelter in place creates its own risk. Efforts to pick-up children can complicate already challenging circumstances, so parents are asked to wait until conditions improve. In the meantime, coordinated efforts to communicate ongoing updates to families and the community will be made. Once the all-clear has been given, access to the school can once again be provided.
Lock Down
Used for: major incident or threat of school violence within the school or in relation to the school
An announcement is made to " Lockdown" to notify staff and students to move to a secure area. Once inside a secure area, staff and students should:
- All students remain in classrooms; clear the halls
- Classroom doors and windows will be locked, curtains drawn, lights off
- cover the window of the classroom door;
- be aware of sight lines
- stay away from doors and windows;
- take cover if available (get behind something solid);
- communicate regarding the incident.
- Students and staff remain away from windows and doors until further notice, cells phones are to be put on quiet mode and only use them if it is necessary to communicate regarding the incident
- If in the washrooms and it is possible get to an area which can be safely locked down and if trapped , enter and lock stall and climb on toilet
- Everyone should be on the floor if gunshots are heard
- have attendance taken by a staff member;
When the potential for danger is over, an announcement will be made to indicate it is safe to resume activities as usual and that the threat no longer exists.
*** In Emergency Situations anyone in the building needs to respond immediately and co-operatively***
Dress Code
Positive clothing projects a positive image. Our school is a workplace and should be treated as such. Students should appear at school or school functions as neatly and cleanly dressed as possible, promoting a modest businesslike atmosphere. The decision of what to wear is a learning experience; however the final decision on matters of taste and appropriateness rests with the school administration. Exceptions may be made to accommodate established religious/cultural practices and/or special school events.
Inappropriate attire includes, but is not limited to:
- clothing that depicts vulgarity, sexism, racism, profanity, drugs, alcohol and/or violence;
- clothing that shows under garments;
- excessively ripped or torn clothing, pajamas;
- backpacks, jackets and other outdoor gear in the classroom;
Please also keep the following in mind:
- The "No Hood" policy is in effect from arrival until dismissal each school day. This also applies to other head coverings that may be employed to conceal one's identity.
- Appropriate footwear is essential at all times.
- A strict dress code exists when working in specific classes, for safety reasons.
- Those wearing headphones should have one ear free for safety reasons.
Attendance Policy and Consequences
Students are expected to stay in the classroom if the teacher does not arrive due to an emergency or unforeseen circumstance. A representative from the class is expected to report the situation to the office.
Students must make every effort to attend school punctually and regularly. Students should not miss class to do homework, avoid tests, or report for part time work. The only valid reasons for absence are:
- personal illness
- bereavement, family emergency
- important appointments or family commitments certified by the parent and approved by administration
- approved school activity (field trip, athletic contest, college and university visits)
Students who are 18 years of age or older may sign their own notes. They may sign out only for the same valid reasons applying to students younger than 18.
Notice regarding attendance on bus cancellation days
On school days when bus transportation is cancelled due to inclement weather the school is open and teachers are in their classrooms. Regular attendance is expected of students who do not use bus transportation and walk to school. Regular attendance procedures will be followed for non-bus students on bus cancellation days. We need to ensure that all students are safe. If a non-bus student is not going to attend school on a bus cancellation day, then parents/guardians must contact the school by 8:30 a.m. to inform the school that the child will be absent due to weather conditions.
Bus students will automatically be coded as absent/transportation cancelled (there is no need to contact the school). Bus students that attend on a bus cancellation day must first sign in at the office on arrival and then attendance will be changed to present.
Attendance Procedures
Sign In or Sign Out: Students must sign in at the main office when arriving at school if they have missed any classes. Students must sign out at the main office before leaving the school for any reason.
Sick at School: If you become ill at school, DO NOT LEAVE SCHOOL without first reporting to the Main Office. (eg. Sign Out) Any student who stays at home after lunch must have a parent/guardian phone the school the same afternoon.
During the Day Planned Absences: If you are to be excused for a part of the day (e.g., doctor/dentist appointment) bring an authorized note to the Office, prior to 8:02 a.m. and obtain an "Excused Slip". If/when you return to school on the same day, report to the Main Office to Sign In, and receive an "Admit Slip".
Unplanned Absences: If a student is absent all, or any part of a day, a parent/guardian is to phone (519-354-1740) the school that day, or else the student is to bring a note to the Main Office on the day of his/her return to school
All notes from home must:
- indicate the date(s) of the absence
- the reason for the absence
- signature of the parent/guardian
Behaviour in hallways must be in keeping with a proper school atmosphere. School hallways are not the proper place for running, horseplay or romance. No overt demonstrations of physical attraction are permitted.
LatesWe believe that being in class on time is essential to student success as it helps develop a good attitude toward school and helps prepare our students for expectations of the working world. Furthermore students are expected to be punctual and demonstrate mutual respect for fellow students and teaching staff.
Students are responsible to be prepared and on time to all classes. Teachers are to handle all late incidents under 10 minutes in length. Students who arrive after 10 minutes should be referred to the office.
18 Year Old Students
Students 18 years old (or older) are subject to all of the school regulations. The mature student may write his/her own notes for absence. The student will then be directly accountable to the Principal/Vice-Principal for his/her absence. Valid reasons for absence must be given.
Any student with high absenteeism is at risk of program modification, course removal or withdrawal from school.
Detentions may be assigned by a teacher or by the office. Office detentions will be served in the assigned room from 10:55 a.m. to 11:15 a.m. These are to be served the day they are received or the following day. The administration will decide if the detention may be served at any other time. Failure to serve detentions will result in further disciplinary action. Meaningful and supervised work must be done during a detention. Detentions assigned by a teacher will be served at a time and place to be assigned by the supervising teacher.
Trespassing / Guests / Visitors
During the school day, the school grounds and building are out of bounds to all, except JMSS students, Board of Education employees or persons having business with the administration or staff. This access is governed both by the Trespass to Property Act and the Access to School Premises, Education Act (Reg. 474)
Students from other schools are not allowed to visit during the day without specific permission from administration which must be scheduled and approved at least one week in advance. The expectation is that all JMSS students will carry a student card and all Board employees and workers will carry ID cards in order to identify themselves at any time.
Cafeteria service is available during regular school days. Vending machines stocked with healthy drinks and snacks are also available in the cafeteria. Please keep the following in mind when using the cafeteria:
- the cafeteria is not to be used during class time
- use the cafeteria with care, courtesy and respect for others
- sit on the chairs provided
- place garbage and recyclables in the appropriate containers
Any food or drink not eaten in the cafeteria must be disposed of in the available receptacles. Leaving garbage in the halls will result in being referred to the office.
Anti-Smoking Policy
Smoking is not permitted within 20 m of school property. Smoking within 20 m of school property regardless of location or time of day is in violation of the Smoke-Free Ontario Act. Persons found smoking or holding lighted tobacco in a prohibited place may be fined $300.00 by the Tobacco Enforcement Officer.
The "Smoke-Free Chatham Kent By-Law" extends smoking to include the use of e-cigarettes and vaping. These may also be subject to fines.
More information can be found at
Drugs and Alcohol
The school will contact the municipal police for any drug or alcohol related infraction. Alcohol or drug related incidents will result in suspension from school and notification of the parent or guardian. Re-admission to the school may be conditional on attendance at a drug or alcohol program.
Routine uses and/or disclosures of student personal information
The student's OSR will be used by school and board staff to support the classroom teacher in developing an educational program which best meets the student's needs. Staff working with the classroom teacher or directly with the student may include individuals working in areas such as Special Education, guidance counseling, student success, etc.
In keeping with the requirements of the Education Act and the Personal Health Information Protection Act, informed consent will be sought prior to conducting intelligence or behavioural tests, or prior to the involvement of Psychological, Speech and Language or Social Worker staff.
Secondary schools will receive information about registered Grade 8 students in advance of the student attending the secondary school to help establish an appropriate program for the student.
The secondary school will share information about each student's progress through secondary school with the student's previous elementary school to support continuous improvement of the elementary school program for all students.
Secondary schools will send information of potential graduates (contact information, marks and transcripts) to Ontario Colleges and Universities to support the student's post-secondary applications.
Student home addresses may be released to the Chatham-Kent Lambton Administrative School Services (CLASS) - Student Transportation Services department - and the contracted bus company responsible for transporting students to and from the school in order to administer the board's contracted bus program.
School activities may be reported in school and board newsletters, and on school and board websites. Individual students will only be photographed and identified with appropriate consent.
The media, such as newspapers, television and radio, may be invited to the school for the purpose of reporting on newsworthy events or activities such as graduations, student achievements/awards, and current events. Their reports may include non-identifying photos of groups of students. Individual students would only be photographed or identified with appropriate consent.
Students participating in extra-curricular activities or events where the public is invited, i.e. field trips, school concerts, school teams, may be photographed and/or reported on by media or the general public.
Students may be recorded or photographed by their classroom teacher in school or during school activities as part of their educational program. Photos may be shared with the class and parents as appropriate.
Students may participate in video conferencing (a technology which allows for two or more locations to interact via simultaneous two-way video and audio.
Phone numbers will be used on telephone lists.
Examples include:
- emergency contact lists to facilitate contact with parents during emergencies (e.g. inclement weather);
- safe arrival programs, which may be staffed by parent volunteers, to contact parents where a student is absent and the parent/guardian has not notified the school of the absence;
- volunteers, authorized by the principal, to contact parents regarding schoolrelated activities which benefit the student and the school community and require parent involvement.
Parents/guardians/adult students are asked to complete a Student Medical/Health Data forms for the purpose of developing a medical emergency plan for the student, or an Administration of Medication in School form for the purpose of administering medication to the student.
In compliance with the Personal Health Information Protection Act, student health numbers (OHIP) will not be collected; however parents/ guardians/students may be invited to volunteer such information for students going on field trips to facilitate medical services if needed.
Student work, including student names, may be displayed in the classroom or in school hallways, or may be shared with the public through science fairs, school and board newsletters, writing/colouring/poster contests, community events, fairs, and similar events/locations outside the school setting.
Student accidents that take place during school or on school-sponsored activities will be reported to the LKDSB insurer/OSBIE (Ontario School Board Insurance Exchange). Reports will include the name of the injured student(s) and details about the incident as well as the name and contact information of the witnesses to the accident.
Surveillance equipment may be used in schools and on buses to enhance the safety of students and staff, to protect property against theft or vandalism, and to aid in the identification of intruders and of persons who endanger the health, wellbeing or safety of school community members.
Student names and/or photographs may be printed in school programs e.g., commencement or graduation programs, school plays and musical productions, student awards, academic and athletic awards or plaques, school brochures, honour roll and classroom assignment during school and semester start up) and in school yearbooks.
Questions regarding the information contained in this notification may be addressed to the school principal or the Freedom of Information Coordinator of LKDSB. Please communicate any concerns you have with regards to the sharing of personal information in any or all of the above-mentioned by contacting the school principal as soon as possible. The above will apply unless an objection is filed with the principal and an alternative resolution can be found.
These procedures are designed to ensure the privacy of students in the school and for students within the jurisdiction of the Lambton Kent District School Board, and are in accordance with the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act.
Adult students (over 18 years of age) are also requested to inform the Principal in writing if they do not wish to be photographed, audiotaped or videotaped during the school year.
Technology-Personal Electronic Devices
The staff of JMSS recognizes that personal electronic devices are a part of our culture. Our policy governing the use of Personal Electronic Devices (PED) recognizes this reality and focuses on education and etiquette rather than on prohibition. Students may only use an electronic communication device or data storage device (including but not limited to PDAs, MP3 players, cell phones, CD-ROM players, digital cameras, Bluetooth devices, etc.) in a classroom with permission of the classroom teacher based on the established practices outlined in the Code of Conduct. Otherwise, they are to be turned off and stored out of sight while in class and during class time.
Usage outside of class time is permitted as long as the devices are not used to cause problems for others. Messages which harm the safety, security and privacy of others will not be tolerated. Due to the potential for violation of personal privacy, no PEDs may be used in washrooms or change rooms at any time. Improper use of these devices will result in disciplinary action.
Parents are asked to respect this policy and contact their child by calling the main office. Students will only be called out of class for an emergency that warrants the disruption of instructional time; otherwise, office staff will ensure that messages are delivered to students in a timely fashion. If texting is used by parents as a means of communication, parents are asked to ensure that students respond to parents texts outside of the classroom.
Acceptable Use of Technology for Students
The Lambton Kent District School Board provides students with access to technology to support their educational and learning experiences. Since students have access to technology, they have a role to play in maintaining a secure environment. The purpose of these Regulations is to set out the expectations with respect to the use of technology and the responsibilities of each individual in maintaining a secure environment.
1. The computer system including computer files, documents and electronic communications are the property of the LKDSB.
2. There is no expectation of privacy in using LKDSB technology. The LKDSB may monitor and may at any time access any and all files, documents, electronic communications and use of Internet to ensure integrity of the system and compliance with these Regulations.
3. Students will only use the network account assigned to them.
4. All technological devices will be password protected and conform to the password requirements as detailed in the corresponding LKDSB Administrative Procedures.
5. The student will be responsible for any activity using his/her password, including any time the computer is left unattended. Students must not share passwords nor use the passwords of others.
6. Technological devices brought to school by students are not the responsibility of the LKDSB.
7. Students must not connect any electronic devices in any way (wired or wireless) for any reason to the LKDSB network without the written permission of the Information Technology Department of the LKDSB.
8. Students must not download or install any unauthorized materials such as programs, games or files from any source, or cause a denial of service for others.
9. When using the Board supported networks, students must not reveal any personally identifying information (such as first and last name, picture, address, telephone number, physical description, etc.) about themselves or others.
10. Students must NEVER agree to meet with keypals unless supervised by a teacher.
11. Students must report to a teacher or school administrator any messages they receive that request personal information, are inappropriate, or make them feel uncomfortable.
12. Students must not access director or proxy sites that circumvent the security measures put in place by the Lambton Kent District School Board.
13. Students must immediately exit any site that is transmitting inappropriate or offensive material. Students must immediately report accidental access to such a site to a teacher or school administrator.
14. Users will conduct themselves in a professional manner as detailed in the corresponding LKDSB Administrative Procedures.
15. Any violation of these Regulations may result in sanctions being imposed, including the loss of computer privileges, disciplinary action and legal action or police involvement.
Consequences for Inappropriate Use
Students who break any of these rules will be subjected to school disciplinary policies, including:
●Restricted computer access
●Loss of computer access/possible course restrictions
●Other Disciplinary action as decided by the school administration
Minimum Course Load
Students are required to take the following minimum number of courses: In grades 9 to 11 - 8 courses per year. Grade 12 / 5th year students must take six courses per year, minimum 3 per semester.
Changing or Dropping Courses
Changes in courses cannot be made without a very good reason. If change is necessary, it must be made during the first 7 days of school in semester one, and the first 5 in semester two.
Full Disclosure
The mark achieved by grade 11 and 12 students who drop a course after 5 days following the provincial Mid-Term Report will be recorded on the student's official transcripts. This mark will reflect the student's achievement as of that date.
Scholastic Awards
The main reason for attending school is to get a good education. To encourage students to do their best in their studies, McGregor presents a number of awards:
McGregor Scholar Award
McGregor Scholar Awards are presented to all students who achieve an average of 80% or better. The average is calculated using all 8 subjects for Grade 9-11 or the best 6 subjects for grade 12.
Subject Awards
The students obtaining the highest mark in each subject is awarded a certificate.
Top Scholar Award (Jessie Houston Scholarship)
Graduating students achieving the highest, second highest and third highest average over six courses. Contact Student Services for details.
Student Council Award of Recognition
A graduating student who has shown outstanding school and community involvement is given a plaque and monetary award.
Student Assistance Foundation
The Student Assistance Foundation of the Lambton-Kent District School Board awards scholarships which will be available to graduates who enrolled in a post-secondary institution.
School Evaluation Policy
The primary purpose of assessment and evaluation is to improve student learning. Information gathered through assessment helps teachers to determine students' strengths and weaknesses in their achievement of the curriculum expectations in each course.
This information also serves to guide teachers in adapting curriculum and institutional approaches to students' needs and in assessing the overall effectiveness of programs and classroom practices. Assessment is the process of gathering information from a variety of sources (including assignments, demonstrations, projects, performances and tests) that accurately reflects how well a student is achieving the curriculum expectations in a course.
Assessment and evaluation will be based on the provincial curriculum expectations and the achievement levels in curriculum expectations and the achievement levels in the curriculum policy that documents for each discipline. The achievement chart for each discipline is included in the curriculum policy document for that discipline. The chart provides a reference point for assessment practice and a framework within which to assess and evaluate student achievement.
A final grade is recorded for every course, and a credit is granted and recorded for every course in which the students grade is 50% or higher. The final grade for each course in grades 9-12 will be determined as follows:
● Seventy per cent of the grade will be based on evaluations conducted throughout the course. This portion of the grade should reflect the student's most consistent level of achievement throughout the course.
●Thirty per cent of the grade will be based on final evaluation in the form of an examination, culminating activity performance, essay, and/or other method of evaluation suitable to the course content and administered towards the end of the course.
Missed Tests
If a student misses a test with a valid reason he/she is to make arrangements with their teacher to reschedule the test as soon as the student returns to school. This allows the student to take responsibility for his/her education. Failure to make arrangements will result in a mark of zero being assigned.
Late Assignments
For Grades 9 - 12, assignments and assessment activities are due on the date or within the time-frame specified by the teacher. If a student misses an assignment, the missed assessment will normally be due or completed on the day of the students return to school.
Extenuating circumstances may warrant an extension or assignment of an alternate activity at the teacher's discretion. Where an extension was not warranted, a mark of zero may be assigned.
Attendance for Exams and Final Evaluations
Five days are allocated at the end of each semester for the scheduling of formal exams and other final evaluations. This includes an allowance for inclement weather. Each school year these dates are clearly indicated (with an "E") on the LKDSB School Year Calendar which is posted online. Each secondary school will communicate its final exam schedule prior to the exams beginning by posting the schedule throughout the school and on the school website. The exams will be conducted in accordance with the Ontario Education Act, associated Regulations, and Ontario Schools 2016. They will also be implemented in accordance with the LKDSB Policies on Attendance and the current LKDSB Assessment and Evaluation Guidelines. If a major cultural or religious holiday occurs during an exam period, then LKDSB Senior Administration will provide direction to Principals.
Absences: All students are expected to write all of their final exams and other evaluations. Sometimes there are exceptional circumstances which may necessitate the rescheduling of a student's final exam (see approved absences below). Only the school Principal or their designate can approve an absence or rescheduling date during the scheduled exam days.
Approved Absences
- Bereavement
- legal matters (as supported by court documents)
- student`s personal illness – supported by a medical note
Non-Approved Absences
family vacations or weddings
sporting events
early exit to seek employment,
mission trips or summer camps
any other circumstance not listed
in approved absences
Notification Process: Any student (18 years old and over), or the parent/guardian of student under the age of 18, who may be absent from an exam should contact the school Principal as soon as possible prior to the scheduled exam date and time and provide documentation as may be requested. Any exceptional circumstance that might result in a request for the rescheduling of a final exam should be submitted to the school Principal at least two weeks prior to the scheduled exam date and time.
All efforts will be made to reschedule an exam (by 2:30 on the last scheduled day of exams) if necessary. Any absence from an exam for any reason that has not been approved by the school Principal can result in a mark of zero and could impact negatively on credit achievement and graduation requirements. Teachers, in consultation with their Principal, will use their professional judgement in establishing a final course mark for students.
All textbooks are supplied free to the student by the school. These must be returned in good condition at the end of each semester or the student must pay for the book. The student's signature upon issue and return of the text will serve as the only receipt. All lost textbooks are charged at the full price as they need to be replaced.
Transportation – Buses
The following school bus rules are made for your safety and comfort:
1. Students must obey the driver at all times.
2. Buses will not wait for students.
3. Remain seated at all times.
4. Do not litter or throw articles in or from the bus.
5. No smoking or drinking beverages of any kind.
6. No obscene or profane language permitted.
7. No fighting or scuffling allowed.
8. Excessive noise will not be permitted.
9. Stay back from the moving bus before loading. Stay back one meter from the curb.
10. Any bus damage caused by students will be charged to them.
11. Pupils riding the bus are ultimately responsible to the school principal for conduct.
The consequences of not obeying the rules may include:
1. Notification to the parent or student.
2. Apology to the bus driver.
3. Two day suspension.
4. One week bus suspension.
5. Permanent bus suspension.
6. May be required to pay for damages before bus suspension is lifted.
7. May be required to clean the inside of the bus.
JMSS is Located in Bus Zone #8
Listen to local radio stations or check regarding bus delays or cancellations.
The above rules are approved by the Lambton Kent District School Board.
Cars & Parking Lot
1. Students who bring motor vehicles to school may park them in the main parking lot on the west side of the school. Students must operate their vehicles in a safe manner and in accordance with school regulation.
2. The areas to the south and the technical wing are reserved for staff parking.
3. Students are not to sit in, or on parked cars.
4. Game playing should take place only on the field.
5. Vehicles parked illegally will be towed away at the owner expense.
6. Motorcycles are to be placed in the designated area. They will not be permitted in the main parking lot. There is a place to secure helmets in the main office.
7. Students are not to loiter in the parking lot. Students who fail to comply with these regulations will have their parking lot privilege rescinded for a specific period of time.
8. Erratic or irresponsible driving may result in a ban from bringing vehicles to school.
Bikes, Skateboards, Roller Blades
Bicycles should be locked at the front of the school. Roller blades must be removed before entering the school, and should not be used for performing stunts on school property. Skateboards may not be used on school property.
Dance Regulations
In order to operate Student Activities (dances) at John McGregor Secondary School, the following guidelines have been established and students are expected to adhere to them strictly.
1. Activities at JMSS are operated only for students and their guests. A student may invite ONE GUEST who is not a registered student at JMSS by completing a guest pass available from the office. Guest passes must be completed 3 days in advance,
2. Unless otherwise specified, entry to the school will be through the Cecile Avenue entrance. No student will enter the school by any other means.
3. Each JMSS student must show his/her student card and ticket upon entry to the school. The school reserves the right to refuse admission to anyone not in accordance with the specified regulated behaviour.
4. All students under the influence of alcohol or drugs will not be permitted on the school premises. No alcoholic beverages or drugs will be allowed on school property. Suspension from school and police involvement will result from any violation of the rule.
5. All cell phones, coats, jackets and purses must be left in a coat check area.
6. If a student leaves the building, that student will not be readmitted.
7. No smoking is allowed anywhere on school property. All food and drink must be consumed in the cafeteria.
8. Other areas of the school and all lockers are out of bounds.
9. The school will not accept responsibility of lost or misplaced property at activities.
10. All students will assist in maintaining a neat and orderly appearance of school property, including hallways, activity areas and washrooms.
11. Door times will be printed on the ticket. Only students who have received prior permission will be allowed to enter the dance after the doors have closed.
12. All tickets will be sold in advance. Tickets will not be sold at the door.
13. Any student who fails to comply with this behavioural code will be refused entry to the school activities for the rest of the year, and will lose his/her student card and all its privileges.
Clubs and Teams
JMSS offers a variety of teams and clubs. In the chart below is a list of recent extracurricular activities that have recently been offered. This list changes each year as a result of student participation and interest. If you have an interest in starting a new club, let us know!
JMSS Panther Clubs and Teams | |
Team Name | Season |
Art After Hours | All Year (every 2 weeks) |
Auto/Tech Club | All Year |
Badminton | February - April |
Boys Basketball | November - March |
Girls Basketball | September - November |
Basketball (House) | All Year |
Chess | Oct. - Dec. and Feb. - May |
Cross Country | September - November |
Curling | End November-March |
Drama Club | All Year |
Gender and Sexuality Alliance | All Year |
Golf | September- October |
Hair/Barbering Club | All Year |
Boys Hockey | November-March |
Girls Soccer | Late March - May |
Boys Soccer | Late March - May |
Social Justice Group | All Year |
Student Athletic Association | All Year |
Student Council | All Year |
Tennis | September -October |
Track and Field | March - June |
Trading Cards and Gaming | All Year |
Girls Volleyball | November - February |
Boys Volleyball | November-February
JMSS Athletics Program Goals:
●To offer a varied athletic program that allows student athletes an opportunity to participate.
● To provide a quality athletic program staffed with competent personnel.
● To develop the concept of team spirit among athletes, coaches and parents.
● To teach the fundamentals and techniques of each sport in a progressive, planned sequence appropriate for student-athletes at the high school level.
● To foster the positive aspects of competitive athletics.
● To provide opportunities for the development of citizenship.
Expectations and Standards for Student-Athletes
Participation in athletics at John McGregor Secondary School is a privilege available to all students. The school provides facilities, coaching and equipment. The school reserves the right to revoke or restrict the privilege of participation if a student fails to meet the expectations and standard as outlined in the Athletic Policy. Athletic Policies are part of the athletic package parents fill out and sign when the student has been selected to participate on a team.
If a student feels he/she has been unfairly treated after consultation with their coach, he/she has the right to appeal to the John McGregor Advisory Committee. Please see the Athletic Director and a meeting will be scheduled. All decisions rendered by the John McGregor Athletic Committee are final. Please remember extra-curricular activities are a privilege, not a right.
O.F.S.A.A Code of Behaviour for Spectators
● Cheer in a positive manner
● Respect officials' decision
● Do not interfere with the competition
● Keep off the playing area
● Be courteous and respectful
Failure to comply with this code of behaviour may lead to ejection from a game.
Interschool Athletic Eligibility
Students must meet the following minimum course loads in order to compete on interschool teams:
● 1st yr. - 4th yr. - a minimum of 3 credits in the semester in which you wish to compete.
● 5th yr. - a minimum of 2 credits in the semester in which you wish to compete.
● Students in their 6th year are ineligible.
Transfer Students
If you are a new student to JMSS and previously attended another high school you are considered a transfer student. In order for you to participate in interschool athletics you must complete a transfer application form. Only students who meet very strict eligibility requirements will be allowed to participate. Application forms are available from the Program leader and should be completed as soon as possible.
John McGregor Secondary School Athletics Policy
The purpose of the extra-curricular athletic program at John McGregor Secondary School is to provide student-athletes with an enjoyable and challenging athletic environment, emphasizing the development of both physical skills and character. The program's aim is to invoke sportsmanship, a strong work ethic, a spirit of cooperation, leadership and those character traits inherent in being a team member; including commitment, integrity, loyalty, humility, maturity, operation and leadership.
John McGregor Secondary School students have an opportunity to learn a great deal from their participation in interschool athletics; including lessons in sportsmanship, teamwork, competition and healthy lifestyles. The program plays an important part in assisting the individual student athlete in developing a healthy self-concept in addition to a healthy body and mind.
School Field Trips, Dances, Athletic Competitions
When you attend a school organized activity as a participant or a spectator you are still subject to school rules. These activities include dances at other schools and out of town games, tournaments or field trips. Misbehaviour at such events can result in suspensions. If you are suspended from J.M.S.S. you cannot participate in any of these activities.
School Council
The School Council is an advisory panel consisting of parents, students, community representatives and school staff. Nominations for the representatives to JMSS's school council will be received during the first week of September. All nominees are invited to attend the September 13th meeting, where the 2017-2018 Council will be formed. The meeting will take place in the library at 6:30 p.m.
Student Council & Student Athletic Association Executives
If interested in joining Student Council see Ms. Cazabon. If interested in joining SAA see Mrs. Carleton.
Learning, Literacy & Leisure @ YOUR Library
The J.G. Quigley Library maintains its own collections and uses those of local public and other LKDSB school libraries to meet the research, literacy and leisure reading needs of McGregor students and staff. Highlights include:
- Staff from 7:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m., including the schedule lunch break, Monday to Friday throughout the school year.
- 24/7 access to the Library's collections, including One Search and an extensive Visual Catalog, via Destiny @ . Choose John McGregor Secondary School from the list and log in using the same firstname.lastname/password combination that you use to log into the school's personal computers or laptops. Individual or class orientations to Destiny are provided upon request.
- Partnership with the Chatham Kent Public Library to access their databases using the JMSS library card number 3302171634 and the PIN 1740 (if requested).
- Reader advisory services including featured collections, displays, Twitter posts and personal and peers' recommendations based on extensive reading from the Library's collections.
- Building collections based on students' suggestions as funds permit.
- Circulation of books, magazines and wireless devices (laptops and Chromebooks).
- Supervision of student-driven activities and initiatives at lunch time.
● Lockers are provided for the use of books and clothing.
● Each student will be assigned a locker and must pay the rental charge of$5.00 to use the locker for the school year. Students must use and will be responsible for the contents and conditions of his/her assigned locker.
● Students MUST not switch or share lockers.
● Students are to use only the lock assigned to the locker. The combination of this lock must be on file in the office. Keep your locker closed and locked at all times. Lockers and locks are school property and must be maintained in good condition. You will be charged the replacement cost for missing locks. Report any damage to your locker to the office.
● The administration of the school reserves the right to examine any locker, at any time it is deemed necessary.
● Students should not bring large amounts of money or valuables to school. If this is occasionally unavoidable, valuables should be left in the school office and never in the change room during Physical Education periods.
● In order to maintain a quiet atmosphere in the classroom areas of the school, students should use their lockers only when classes are not in session.
● The school is not responsible for the replacement of any lost or stolen articles.
Lost Student Cards
Non-picture replacement cards are available in the main office at a cost of $2.00 each.
Alternative Learning Center (ALC)
As part of John McGregor's initiative to augment student success and improve student achievement, we have developed an alternative learning center. The purpose of this intervention program is to decrease disruptive student behaviour in classrooms and provide entry level counseling and academic support for students.
Lost and Found
All lost and found articles should be turned into the office, with the exception of gym equipment which is turned in to the physical education office. Please check here if you have lost anything. The school will not assume responsibility for lost or stolen items. Items will be retained in the office for one month after it is turned in and then will be given to charity.
Accidents & Accident Insurance
Students who are injured during the school day or while participating in a school activity must report the accident to the supervising teacher. The supervising teacher will be responsible for making sure the injury is addressed, according to Board procedures. Specifically, an Incident Report form (available in the main office) must be completed and reported to the Principal within 24 hours. The Student Insurance Plan (distributed in September) is designed to provide supplemental coverage to Health coverage and is recommended for all students, especially those who participate in competitive sports. All claims must be sent by the student directly to the insurance company (copy to Principal).
Public Health Nurse
The services offered by the Public Health Nurse at JMSS are to promote Healthy Living with the students, through individual confidential counseling and classroom teaching. The nurse also acts as a resource person to students and staff through consultation and by supplying information in health related topics. The Public Health Nurse is responsible for ensuring that all students are up to date with their vaccinations. Students not returning this information to the nurse will be suspended from the school under the Immunization of the School Pupils Act, 1990. A request to see the nurse can be made by leaving a message in the nurse's mailbox located in the main office. The nurse's office is also located in the main office where a monthly schedule designating days and times of the nurse's visits will be posted.
Student Services
The counseling staff of JMSS is here to help you. We manage the job keeping your school records accurate and up-to-date. We make connections for you with colleges, universities, apprenticeship branch, vocational training, summer school and correspondence courses. Most importantly, we provide the information you need to know before you make choices, such as what subjects to take or what job to train for, or whether you should go on to some alternate form of post-secondary education. Specifically, we are here to help you plan ahead by providing:
☺ Individual counseling about courses, careers, and personal matters.
☺ Group presentations about occupations and future education.
☺ Interest inventories to help you understand yourself.
☺ Information about jobs, colleges, universities, and other opportunities in life beyond high school.
☺ Resume writing.
☺ Current knowledge of the system in which you work as a student. If you want to see a counselor, you should request an interview, just drop into Student Services at any time during the school day and complete a white "Request for Interview" card. The counselor you ask to see will send you a blue appointment slip, usually within two days.
By now, you should know that our job is to provide you with up-to-date, accurate information related to occupations and education and with counseling on any concern you may have. We look forward to being of assistance to you.