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LKDSB Commemorates Treaties Recognition Week Nov. 2-6

October 30, 2020


The Lambton Kent District School Board (LKDSB) commemorates Treaties Recognition Week on November 2-6, joining school boards across the province in promoting education and awareness about treaty rights and treaty relationships between Indigenous and non-Indigenous people in Ontario.

This year, the LKDSB Indigenous Education Team is continuing to focus on increasing awareness and understanding of Wampum Belts and their importance to understanding treaties and treaty relationships in Canada. During Treaties Recognition Week, students and staff will engage in curriculum activities ranging from painting with local Indigenous artist Moses Lunhum to presentations that address how Wampum Belts are used to communicate agreements and provide a mutual understanding of land stewardship and resource sharing.

“As part of an ongoing commitment to supporting Indigenous Education and increasing knowledge and understanding throughout the LKDSB, staff and students will participate in curriculum activities during Treaties Recognition Week to build on staff and students' understanding of Wampum Belts, treaties and treaty relationships in Canada," said Director John Howitt.

The LKDSB recognizes the traditional land of Aamjiwnaang First Nation; Eelŭnaapéewi Lahkéewiit (Delaware Nation), Kettle & Stony Point First Nation; and Walpole Island (Bkejwanong) First Nation. The LKDSB appreciates the ongoing support and partnership of the four First Nations to collectively promote education and mutual understanding of Indigenous histories and perspectives.

For more information about LKDSB's Indigenous Education, visit:

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For additional information contact:
Jane Bryce, Chair of the Board, 519-899-2619
John Howitt, Director of Education, 519-336-1500, Ext 31297
Helen Lane, Superintendent of Education – Superintendent of  Education – Indigenous Education, Leadership and Equity, 519-336-1500, Ext. 31263

For reference information contact:
Heather Hughes, Public Relations Officer, 519-336-1500, Ext. 31262
October 30, 2020


John McGregor Secondary School
300 Cecile Ave, Chatham, ON, N7M 2C6
Principal: Tiffany Cadotte
Vice Principal: Derek Quigley
Vice Principal: Todd Wood
Bus Zone: 7, 8BUS STATUS

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