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Potential Graduates

Grad Requirements

Click here to find out the details regarding Graduation Requirements for students in Ontario.

Grad Calendar

The graduation calendar identifies important dated and to do lists month by month during your  graduating year of high school. 

2021 Gr 12 Letter LCCVI.pdf

Graduation Info 

Saturday November 3rd, 2018  7:30pm


Scholarship and Bursaries

Click here to access the boards Scholarship and Bursary information.

To apply for Lambton Bursary and Scholarships, use the following forms:

2020 Scholarship Application Form.pdf

LCCVI Major Scholarships 2017-2018.pdf

LCCVI scholarship appl 2017.pdf

Our graduating students have the unique opportunity to become Nicol Scholars.  Each year a number students who have demonstrated excellent academic achievement and a commitment to the school and community are awarded a $10,000 (U.S.) scholarship which is funded by the Helen Kavanagh Nicol Foundation.​​

Exit Survey

All Grade 12 students must complete the Exit Survey found in myBlueprint.

OSAP Information

The Ontario Student Assistance Program is a financial aid program that helps students decrease their financial obligations.  OSAP is a combination of scholarships, bursaries, loans and grants and is open to ALL post secondary students.  Explore your potential OSAP opportunities via the OSAP aid estimator tool. 


Lambton Central Collegiate & Vocational Institute
4141 Dufferin Ave, Petrolia, ON, N0N 1R0
Principal: Gregory Nemcek
Vice Principal: Scott Watson
Bus Zone: 1, 3, 4, 5, 6BUS STATUS

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