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LKDSB Students Encouraged to “Be Who You Are” as Bullying Prevention and Awareness Week is Celebrated Across District

November 24, 2023

​This week, schools across Lambton Kent District School Board (LKDSB) participated in Bullying Prevention and Awareness Week. Lessons focused on the types of bullying that exist – including cyberbullying, which has increased heavily over past years, the immediate and lifelong effects that bullying can have on an individual, and the role that we all have to play when it comes to stopping bullying.

“During this week, and throughout the school year, we really focus on the correlation between safe, inclusive schools and the mental health and well-being of the students that attend," explained Mark Houghton, LKDSB Safe Schools System Coordinator. “If a student feels safe and encouraged to be who they are, free from potential judgement or ridicule, research shows that their potential to thrive academically greatly increases."

'Be Who You Are' was the focus of some LKDSB schools this week, including Dawn Euphemia Public School where the entire school participated in reading the book “Be Who You Are" by Todd Parr and then painted self-portraits. They continued to discuss the importance of being proud of who you are as staff and students took part in a “Wear What Makes You the Happiest" Fashion Show, complete with a red-carpet runway and a “Be Who You Are" photo wall.

To report bullying, students are encouraged to share information with a caring adult at home or at school. Parents/guardians and students are also able to share concerns using the Student Wellness and Bullying Intervention Hotline at each school.

Additional information about Bully Awareness and Prevention Week is available at

Be Who You Are 2 - DEPS


North Lambton Secondary School
15-19 George St, Forest, ON, N0N 1J0
Principal: Rhonda Leystra
Vice Principal: Jerome de Schiffert

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