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LKDSB Celebrates Staff and Volunteers on Oct. 5

October 02, 2018

​The Lambton Kent District School Board celebrates those who dedicate their time to support student success during Staff and Volunteer Appreciation Day, held on Oct. 5.

“We greatly appreciate the daily dedication of our staff and volunteers who demonstrate an ongoing commitment to promoting student achievement,” said Chair Elizabeth Hudie. “On behalf of the Board, I express our sincerest thanks.”

“LKDSB staff and volunteers work diligently every day to create caring learning environments for our students,” said Director Jim Costello. “We appreciate the connection between our schools and the community members who work collaboratively to support student success and well-being.”

At the 44th Session of the International Conference on Education, the United Nations agency declared Oct. 5 as World Teachers’ Day. The LKDSB acknowledges the contributions of all employees and volunteers who support student achievement.

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For additional information contact:
Elizabeth Hudie, Chair of the Board, 519-542-0939
Jim Costello, Director of Education, 519-336-1500, Ext 31297

For reference information contact:
Heather Hughes, Public Relations Officer, 519-336-1500, Ext. 31262
October 2, 2018


North Lambton Secondary School
15-19 George St, Forest, ON, N0N 1J0
Principal: Rhonda Leystra
Vice Principal: Jerome de Schiffert

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