Parent/Guardian Resources

The Lambton Kent District School Board (LKDSB) appreciates the support of parents/guardians as partners in education. Together we will continue to support the success and well-being of students and further our mission of Fostering Success for Every Student Every Day.
School Year Calendars
Professional Activity Days
Ministry of Education
Ontario Minister of Education message to parents/guardians, students and graduates (June 26, 2023)
Parent’s Guide to Ontario’s Education System
English, French, Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, Punjabi, Tagalog, Arabic, Spanish, Portuguese and Hindi.
Student Attendance Strategy
Are you new to the LKDSB? Parents and guardians are encouraged to register public elementary and secondary school students who are new to a school or not pre-registered prior to the first day of the school year. Learn about registration and complete the simple, safe and secure online registration form.
Find your local elementary school/secondary school.
Parent Involvement Committee
Research indicates that good schools become better schools when there is a strong connection with parents as part of the learning community. Learn more about the LKDSB Parent Involvement Committee. Contact your child’s school directly for more information about your School Council.
Mental Health and Well-Being Supports for Students
LKDSB mental health professionals provide evidence informed individual, family and group support, counselling and consultation to help students overcome mental health/social/emotional/behavioural/academic barriers to learning. Learn more about mental health and well-being supports for students.
Public Health Information
Lambton Public Health (for Sarnia-Lambton area families)
CK Public Health (for Chatham-Kent area families)
December 6, 2022 - The School and Child Care Screening Tool has been updated to align with recent recommendations from Ontario's Chief Medical Officer of Health.