Questions about Science Kits ...
What is a science kit?
A science kit is a large plastic tote box full of materials that pertain to a grade and strand in the Ontario Curriculum. It contains consumables, non-consumable equipment, posters, and print resources for both the student and teacher.
What kits are available?
There is at least one kit every grade and stand. See the List of Science Kit link
Is one kit enough for my classroom?
One box will be enough for your classroom. Don't expect to find enough materials in the kit for every student to do every experiment, but quantities should be enough for small groups to work through experiments.
What won't I find in the kit?
The kit inventory includes items that are not typically or easily found within a school setting. For example, paper, glue, pencils would not be included.
Will you send out a customized kit if I request it?
Unfortunately, no. The Science Centre receives between 1600 and 1800 kit bookings per year. If this service was offered, it would become an unmanageable situation from both an "inventory" and "budget" point of view to do this.
How do you decide what goes in a kit?
Factors we consider when building a science kit include:
space - all items must fit into a 68 L plastic container
weight - teachers, the couriers, and science centre staff must be able to lift the boxes
budget - a typical kit has $400 to $600 worth of materials included
safety - glass, perishable food items are not included
How do I book a kit?
Do I have to pick up my kit at the Science Resource Centre?
No. Your kit will be delivered by the same courier that brings interschool mail to your school. If you would prefer to pick up your kit at the resource centre at Errol Public Road in Sarnia, please call ahead to be sure there is a copy available.
How does the courier system work?
There are five routes across the district. Each school will have delivery/pick up once per week.
Monday - Blenheim & Chatham Schools
Tuesday – Sarnia Schools
Wednesday – Lambton River Road (Corunna/Mooretown-Courtright/Port Lambton/Sombra) and Southwest CK (Merlin/Tilbury/Wheatley)
Thursday – North East Lambton Schools (Aberarder/Alvinston/Bright's Grove/Camlachie/Forest/ Grand Bend/Petrolia/Thedford/Watford/Wyoming)
Friday – Central CK (Bothwell/Brigden/Dresden/Ridgetown/Thamesville/Wallaceburg)
When does courier service start?
Courier service to all schools begins the week before Labour Day.
How long can I keep my kit?
Kits for grades 1-8 are booked out for 6 weeks. Kindergarten kits are booked out for 3 weeks.
What are my responsibilities as a kit user?
See this information on the Science Kits page.
How do I know when to return my kit?
There will be a shipping label on the top of your kit with the return date listed. Your due date is always a courier day for your school. Your kit is due ON that date as opposed to BY that date. Just make sure to have it out for the courier first thing in the morning on your due date, (or even better the evening before!) Please do NOT remove this label. It allows the courier to see the ship/due dates. You can draw a diagonal line across the label. This is a quick visual signal to the courier it's a return.
How do I get my kit back to the science centre?
Simply leave your kit at the same location your secretary leaves the interschool mail bags for pick up. Don't forget to check the inventory!
Can I return my kit early?
Yes. Just draw a diagonal line across the label. This is a quick visual signal to the courier it's a return. Please do not remove the original shipping label. We always want the courier to be able to see the original ship/due dates.
What if I'm not quite done with my kit as my due date approaches?
Check with the science centre to see if the kit booked for another school right away. If not, you'll be assigned a new due date. If someone else is waiting for it, you'll have to send it back. Please remember to check the inventory first!
What if I've broken something in my kit?
Attach a note to the inventory sheet with explanation.
What if I've lost something from the kit?
It is not policy at this time to have schools replace lost/missing items, but you're expected to keep looking for them and return what you find. If a large part of your kit is missing, future bookings may be suspended until the missing items are returned.
Why can't I book kits after the May long weekend?
All science kits need to be returned in the third week of June to ensure there is enough time to check them prior to the summer holiday. That means many boxes need to get back to the science centre in the remaining 4 courier days for each route in the month of June. The total capacity of the courier vehicle is needed for these returns.
When can I start booking for the next school year?
Orders for the next school year are accepted for the next year starting in mid-June. You'll know when you can book when the link to the order form is activated!
Is the science centre open in the summer?
Generally, science summer hours are 8 to 3, Monday to Thursday, but the best practice is to call ahead. Staff routinely takes holiday time over the summer months.
Can I book for the whole year in advance?
Yes. Once bookings open in mid-June, you can book your kits for the entire next year. Changes can be made at any time should your schedule change but could possibly be restricted by kit availability.
Can SEP resources be borrowed by someone other than LKDSB or SCCDSB teachers?
No. Only teachers employed by the Lambton Kent District School Board or the St. Clair Catholic District School Board can book SEP resources. Student teachers should book kits through the regular elementary teacher to whom they've been assigned.
Are the foam trays and egg cartons found in SEP kits new?
Yes. Both are purchased from local supply companies.
Are there items containing latex in science kits?
Yes. Most of our science kits have components that likely contain latex. (e.g. balloons, elastics etc.)
Questions about the Science Discovery Volunteer Program ...
Who are the volunteers?
The volunteers are people with an interest in science who want to help students learn about science. Our Science Division volunteers are primarily retired people from the petrochemical industry in the Sarnia area. Most of the volunteers are in the Bridge Building Division are retired engineers. Our Agricultural Division volunteers are actively farming, and many have additional full-time jobs, either within or external to the agricultural sector. Our Coding volunteers are retired from the information technology sector.
Do Science Discovery Squad Volunteers have to have criminal background checks?
In accordance with LKDSB and SCCDSB policies, all volunteers must have a Vulnerable Sector Criminal Background checks. Copies of all record checks are kept on file at the Science Resource Centre in Sarnia. They are updated according to the school board volunteer policy.
Will SDS volunteers from the Sarnia area travel to Chatham Kent?
The Science Division of the Science Discovery Squad began as the "Adopt-a-Scientist" program in 1995, prior to amalgamation of school boards. Many of the volunteers are retired from Sarnia area petrochemical industries, and therefore reside in the Sarnia area. Some volunteers are willing to travel to the south part of the district, while others prefer to stay within the Sarnia area.
Why don't you take Science Discovery Squad bookings in June?
Most volunteers list themselves as "unavailable" in June. We've also experienced great difficulty in scheduling volunteer visits considering the large number of year-end activities happening in schools.
Why do you ask us not to leave volunteer visits for a supply teacher?
We ask that the teacher who invited the volunteer into the classroom and made all the arrangements to be actively involved throughout the visit. There have been instances in the past where staffing changes throughout the course of the visit resulted in poor experiences for the volunteer.
Will there be more than one volunteer in the class?
Possibly. You will be given the name of the "lead" volunteer, and he/she will be your main contact person. Depending on the demonstration, he/she may ask additional volunteers to help. If this is the case, the lead volunteer makes all arrangements with the helper volunteer(s).
Why do I have to wait for the memorandum to go out to schools to sign up for either Bridge Building or Canada Agriculture Day visits?
Both programs will only run each year if we have adequate volunteers. This is determined in early fall for NEM activities and early January for Canada Agriculture Day. Once it has been established that the programs have adequate manpower, the memorandums will go out to all schools, and teachers can sign up. See up-to-date information on our "Additional Science Resources Page.
Why do you organize the Canada Agriculture Day visits in February?
We've received feedback suggesting we move this volunteer opportunity to the spring when teachers are more likely to be covering the units that correspond to the agriculture-related topics. The reason visits are scheduled in February is because our "Ag" volunteers are typically unavailable during harvest/planting seasons, which includes the springtime. February is a much better time for them to visit your class.
What is Taylor Talks?
This is a monthly virtual learning opportunity featuring topics on environmental science.
Who is Taylor?
Taylor Maris is an Environmental Engineer and is excited to bring her passion for environmental awareness to our students through a series of monthly virtual sessions called “Taylor Talks".
Why is participation in each Taylor Talk capped?
Participation for each session will be capped at 90 classrooms to maintain quality streaming.
What grade will be invited in which month?
See the list on the "Additional Science Resources" page
How do I sign up for a Taylor Talk?
Invitations to sign up will be sent directly to grade specific teachers in both the LKDSB and SCCDSB, (through their respective elementary program departments,) in the appropriate month. You will directed to sign up via a Google Form.
What are Wonder Wednesdays?
This is a series of virtual presentation series run by our SDS volunteers and special guest presenters.
How do I sign up for a Wonder Wednesday?
Invitations to sign up will be sent directly to grade specific teachers in both the LKDSB and SCCDSB, (through their respective elementary program departments,) in the appropriate month. You will directed to sign up via a Google Form.
Questions about Our Partners ...
Who are the partners in the Science Education Partnership?
How do I become a partner?
We welcome you to be a part of this exciting educational opportunity. Your company can become a supporting member of the Science Education Partnership, either by making a financial contribution, or by providing personnel with expertise in science or technology for our Science Discovery Squad Volunteer Program... or both! Please contact the science centre at 519-336-1500 ext. 31580 or E-mail Science Centre
If I chose to make a financial contribution, to whom do I make out the cheque?
All cheques should be made out to the Lambton Kent District School Board. The SEP is under the wing of this larger charitable foundation which covers all school charities. The Lambton Kent District School Board is a registered charitable organization with Revenue Canada, and tax receipts are issued for all donations. Cheques should be sent to the Science Education Partnership Science Resource Centre, c/o Errol Road Public School, 989 Errol Road East, Sarnia ON N7S 2E6.