Booking Science Resources

​​​​​​​​​​​To order

Science Kits

Booking are now open for the 2024-2025 school year.  Submit your order via our Google Request Form below.  Note:  You will need to submit a new form for each kit you'd like to order.  An email with your exact shipping and due dates will be sent once your order is processed.

Kindergarten Science Kits

Gr. 1-8 Science Kits​​​

Note:  If you need to cancel or change dates for a kit that has already been input via the form, please E-mail Science Centre  These changes will have to be made by the Science Centre Technician.  Thanks!​​

Science Discovery Squad Volunteer Program:​​

Updates for 2024-2025, see information in red, on the "Additional Learning Opportunities" page. 

Science Kits

Booking are now open for the 2024-2025 school year.  Submit your order via our Google Request Form below.  Note:  You will need to submit a new form for each kit you'd like to order.  An email with your exact shipping and due dates will be sent once your order is processed.

Kindergarten Science Kits

Gr. 1-8 Science Kits​​​

Note:  If you need to cancel or change dates for a kit that has already been input via the form, please E-mail Science Centre  These changes will have to be made by the Science Centre Technician.  Thanks!​​

Science Discovery Squad Volunteer Program:​​

Updates for 2024-2025, see information in red, on the "Additional Learning Opportunities" page. 

The details

Science Kits: 

Submit your order via the Google Forms at the top of this page.  

  • Gr. 1-8 kits are booked for 6 weeks, and kinder kits are booked for 3 weeks.

  • We'll do our best to book kits for as close to when you've asked for them as possible, or we'll recommend the closest available date.

  • Kits will arrive with the regular school courier who also delivers the Board interschool mail.  Note that each school will only receive delivery once per week.  Your office staff will have a copy of the courier schedule.

  • A return date will be listed on the shipping label. The due date will be a courier day for your school.  Your kit is due On that date as opposed to BY that date.  Please Do Not remove or cover the shipping label.  (It allows the couriers to see ship/return dates to determine if the kit is outbound or being returned.)  You can draw a diagonal line across the label as a signal to the courier it's ready to go.  

  • Your kit is returned to the science centre by the same courier who delivered it.  Leave it out where your school secretary leaves the mailbags for pick-up or wherever has been designated as a pick-up/drop-off spot for the courier in your school. 

  • If returning your kit early, please just draw a diagonal line across the top of the box as a signal it's meant to be picked up. Again, do Not remove the shipping label.  We always want the courier to be able to see the dates so that she is able to keep track of inbound vs. outbound kits.

  • Very Important:  Please check the inventory before sending kits back.  A brightly coloured laminated inventory sheet is included in each box.  Return all print resources, non-consumable items, unused consumables and/or empty containers, including lock top bags that can be refilled. (That is why we go to all the trouble to label them.  It keeps the kit organized and makes it easy to refill.)

  •  If you are using more than one kit at the same time, please try to keep each of them organized in their own separate box.

  • If anything is missing/broken, please leave a note of explanation for science centre staff.

  • Kits are not available for booking and will not be shipped after the long weekend in May.

  • All kits must be returned by the third week of June so that science centre staff have time to check them all prior to summer holiday.

  • Bookings for the upcoming school year can be submitted after June 15th..  

Science Discovery Squad Volunteer Program

Up-to date information regarding ALL SDS initiatives and their availability is posted on the  "Additional Science Resources" page.

Science Division Demonstrations

  • Volunteer visits are scheduled throughout the school year according to the availability of volunteers.

  • You are asked to indicate which month in which you would like the volunteer to visit.

  • Approximately four weeks prior to the month you've requested, you will be contacted via email.

  • If a lead volunteer is available, you will be sent his/her contact information.  (There may be additional volunteers who help during the classroom session.  The lead volunteer will coordinate any additional helpers that are required.)  

  • The onus is on the teacher to work out the timing details directly with volunteer.  PLEASE contact the lead volunteer as soon as possible after receiving the introductory e-mail. 

  • Prior to the visit, you should take the time to discuss expectations, acquire handouts for photocopying, discuss material you may have to review, and any other preparations with the volunteer.

  • As the teacher who requested a volunteer visit for your classroom, you are expected to personally be present in the class on the day of the presentation and be actively involved throughout.  You are asked not to leave volunteer activities for a supply teacher.

Agricultural Division

  • Canada Agriculture Day visits will be arranged in the month of February.  A memorandum will go out to schools in mid-January to invite schools to sign up for this activity.  (Bookings are not accepted until this memo goes out.) 

  • Should you wish to have a representative of the agricultural community visit your classroom outside the month of February, contact the science centre office directly to determine if this can be arranged.   (Note that many of the volunteers are not available during the planting/harvest seasons.) 

Truss Building Division

  • ​​In conjunction with the local Professional Engineers of Ontario chapters in Lambton and Chatham-Kent, a structural building challenge is offered to comply with expectations in the Gr. 5 Forces Acting on Structures and Mechanisms unit.  A memorandum is sent each year, (traditionally in late fall,)  inviting teachers to sign up for this opportunity.  ​

​Coding Division

  • This is an activity offered to junior grades and does not fall under any one strand of the curriculum, but rather connects to the second overall goal to, "Develop the skills, strategies, and habits of mind required for scientific inquiry and technological problem-solving." (pg. 6 S&T document.)

  • This is an introductory activity recommended for students in Grades 4-6 with little or no prior exposure to coding.  They first complete an "unplugged" activity without a computer and then use the programming language Scratch to complete the same exercise.  Several activites are also avaialble for students that are already familiar with Scratch.  Students can develop their own Zombie Doctor game or create programs to draw spiralgraphs and fractals. 

Taylor Talks Environmental Science and Wonder Wednesday Sessions

  • “Taylor Talks" is a monthly virtual session on environmental science.  Wonder Wednesdays is a monthly virtual session presented by SDS Volunteers and other guest presenters.  ​

  • Invitations to sign up will be sent directly to grade specific teachers in both the LKDSB and SCCDSB, (through their respective elementary program departments,) in the appropriate month.