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King George VI Public School - Sarnia
News Item

LKDSB Commemorates Treaties Recognition Week Nov. 5-9

November 02, 2018


The Lambton Kent District School Board commemorates Treaties Recognition Week from November 5-9, joining the Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs Canada and school boards across the province in promoting education and awareness about treaties and treaty relationships.

Throughout the week, LKDSB students and staff will learn more about treaties between Canada and Indigenous Peoples.

"Treaties Recognition Week is an opportunity for students and staff to learn more about treaties in order to raise awareness about this important aspect of Canada's history," said Director Jim Costello. "The LKDSB remains committed to supporting the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada: Calls to Action as they relate to education, including furthering our understanding and education about Indigenous histories and perspectives."

The LKDSB continues to work with its four local First Nation communities to build capacity and increase education and understanding for students, staff and the community.

The LKDSB has also implemented the Traditional Territorial Acknowledgement, which recognizes the traditional land of the four First Nation communities within the LKDSB's catchment area: Aamjiwnaang First Nation; Delaware Nation; Kettle & Stony Point First Nation; and Walpole Island First Nation. The Traditional Territorial Acknowledgement is recognized during the opening exercises at schools and at Board Meetings.

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For additional information contact:
Elizabeth Hudie, Chair of the Board, 519-542-0939
Jim Costello, Director of Education, 519-336-1500, Ext 31297
Helen Lane, Superintendent of Education – Superintendent of Education – Leadership and Equity,
519-336-1500, Ext. 31263

For reference information contact:
Heather Hughes, Public Relations Officer, 519-336-1500, Ext. 31262
November 2, 2018


King George VI Public School - Sarnia
585 O'Dell Ave, Sarnia, ON, N7V 4H7
Principal: Adam Carswell

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