High Park School was constructed by the Robert McKay, who was awarded the
contract for his bid of $263,695.00. It was constructed on 11.48 acres of
land bought on March 5, 1951 for $1,000.00 an acre. Construction began in
early January 1952 and the building was ready for occupancy in September of
The cost of the entire venture broke down in this way:
$263,695.00 was the construction price, $15,000.00 for the architects
fee, $2000.00 for the landscaping fees, $13,000.00 for furnishings and
equipment, and $11,800.00 for the purchase of the land.
The original staff was made up of one principal, a principal's relief and
seven teachers. They were: A. Lawrence Crich, principal, Howard G.
McTaggart, Ralph VanAllen, Miss Lois Jackson, Miss Patricia McDonald, Miss
Margaret McColl, Miss Noreen Ledingham, Miss Marie Campbell, and James
Price, principal's relief.
Early on, the parents of High Park's students were very involved in the
school. On March 2, 1953 the principal and parents made a request to the
Board to organize a Home and School Association. The Home and School
Association bought many things for the school, such as the first television
in Sarnia Public Schools, the Atlas of Canada, school sweaters, and add-ons
to the sound system.
With the growth of Sarnia, High Park School needed to expand. The
original class rooms were always filled to capacity. At the February 3, 1958
Board meeting, plans for a 2 room addition to the north end of the school
were approved. Construction was again done by R.W. McKay for $30,000.00.
Again on March 11, 1963 at the Board meeting, plans for addition were
approved. For $51,230 High Park received 3 new classrooms, a new washroom
and a storeroom.
In the early 1960's, the school decided to make better use of the library
books by placing them in a central location. The vice-principal's classroom
had a wall reserved for this task. The books were organized by the Dewey
Decimal Classification and a card catalogue was set up for each book. With
this arrangement, book circulation increased dramatically.
During the 1969/70 academic year, another construction project was
undertaken by High Park School. This time, an art room, a science room, a
pod of six open classrooms, a double all-purpose room with stage and an
electrically driven dividing wall, change room and a resource centre were
These are the
principals since High Park's opening in 1952:
A. Lawrence Crich, 1952-1970
Richard Acton, 1970-1979
Dwayne McClinchey, 1979-1988
Thomas Rompf , 1988-1996
Paul Veriker,
Pam Graham 2001-2006
Karen Dunning 2006 - 2008
Helen Lane
2008 - 2011
Cindy Kramer 2011 - 2013
Steven Thomas 2013 - 2015
Rosanna Deery 2015-2018