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High Park Public School

At High Park our primary mission is to ensure that each child develops to his/her full potential as a person.

It is our aim to provide an environment that recognizes the uniqueness, self-worth, and dignity of each student and to provide opportunities for students to acquire the basic skills, knowledge, and attitudes required for life-long learning.

Through a variety of learning experiences, students will be encouraged to assume accountability for their behavior and responsibility for their role in the development of academic skills.

Our school aim is to develop respect and cooperation among students, parents and teachers so we work together towards the goal of preparing each child to assume a responsible role in society.

À High Park notre principale mission est de s’assurer que chaque enfant se dĂ©veloppe pleinement en tant que personne.

Notre but est d’offrir un environnement pĂ©dagogique qui reconnaĂźt le caractĂšre unique, la valeur personnelle et la dignitĂ© de chaque Ă©tudiant afin de leur fournir des opportunitĂ©s d’acquĂ©rir des habiletĂ©s, connaissances et attitudes de base nĂ©cessaires Ă  l’apprentissage tout au long de leur vie.

À travers une varietĂ© d’experiences d’apprentissages, les Ă©tudiants seront encouragĂ©s Ă  rĂ©pondre de leur comportements et Ă  ĂȘtre responsables de leur rĂŽle dans le dĂ©veloppement de leurs compĂ©tences acadĂ©miques.

L’objectif de notre Ă©cole est de dĂ©velopper le respect et la cooperation parmi les Ă©tudiants, parents et enseignant(e)s afin que l’on puisse travailler ensemble vers l’atteinte de notre but qui est de prĂ©parer chaque enfant Ă  assumer un rĂŽle responsable en societĂ©.


High Park Public School
757 Kember Ave, Sarnia, ON, N7S 2T3
Principal: Elizabeth Townsend
Vice Principal: Heather Touzin

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