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Zone Township Central School
MedicAlert's No Child Without Program
The No Child Without program offers a free MedicAlert membership to students who attend our school and are between the ages of 4 up to their 14th birthday. If your child has a medical condition, allergy or is required to take medication on a regular basis then you should consider a MedicAlert membership through this program. MedicAlert identification can alert staff, friends, coaches and others about your child’s medical condition should an emergency occur.

For further information, come to the office for a brochure or visit To register your child you will need a No Child Without brochure from our office. If your child is already part of the No Child Without program and there have been changes to their medical condition, medications, or emergency contact information, call MedicAlert at 1-866-679-3220679-3220 Ext 1 to update your child’s file.


Zone Township Central School
730 Main St N, Bothwell, ON, N0P 1C0
Principal: Kari Aubertin

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