Transcript Requests

The Ontario Student Transcript (OST) is the official record of a student’s academic achievement at the secondary school level achieved in the Province of Ontario.
Transcripts are required for application to post-secondary institutions and may be required for many other reasons such as employment.​


There is a $10.00 fee per transcript.

Obtaining Your Transcript:

There are two methods available to obtain your​​ transcript:

Method 1: contact last secondary school

If you attended or graduated AFTER 2015, please contact the last secondary school you attended from our list of secondary schools.

Method 2: contact student records

If you attended or graduated BEFORE 2015, Please email the following information to Email Student Records

  1. Your full name (including middle name and last name at time of attendance).

  2. The name of the last school you attended.

  3. Your birth date.

  4. A current phone number to contact if we need more information.

  5. Your email address.

If you are unable to email or require further assistance, please call student records at 519-354-3775 ext. 31225

Please note: requests cannot be processed without all the proper i​nformation.​​