School Within a College (SWAC)

The Lambton Kent District School Board is pleased to partner with both Lambton College and St. Clair College to offer two School Within a College (SWAC) programs.

For the most up to date information, please click here.​

LKDSB School Within a College Program

Each SWAC program offers senior students who qualify the opportunity to enrol in both secondary school and college level courses, all of which are delivered on the college campus. This unique arrangement allows students the chance to experience life and learning in a college environment.

SWAC students learn from both secondary school teachers and College faculty.

  • Secondary school teachers help students work toward attaining Ontario Secondary School Diploma credits;

  • College faculty help students work toward attaining Dual Credits (a College level class that is recognized by both the secondary school system and the College).

Students have the opportunity to obtain up to four College credits through the Dual Credit component of this program.

What makes a student eligible?

SWAC is designed for students who are nearing completion of their secondary school career, and who would benefit from a supportive adult learning environment.

To be considered for enrolment, students must submit an application and attend an in-person interview.

What does it cost?

The student pays nothing. All books, transportation and other associated costs are covered.

How do I apply?

Students can request more information on the application process from their home school Guidance Department or from the respective School Within a College (SWAC) program co-ordinators.

Lambton College
Janice Wranich
Phone: 226-229-1593

St. Clair College (Thames Campus)
Heather Burk
Phone: 226-229-2430​

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