School Cash Online
The Lambton Kent District School Board offers School Cash Online at all schools.
In order to support parent communications and to improve the efficiency and convenience of processing school transactions, as well as reduce Board risk/loss, the LKDSB has partnered with KEV Group to offer School Cash Online.
Parents/guardians can connect multiple students to their account; multiple parents/guardians can be connected to individual students. School staff will add items for your child for payment and indicate whether the item is optional or required. Parents will receive a notification when a new item has been added.
School Cash Online provides multiple payment options, including eCheck (direct withdrawal from your bank account) or "MyWallet" (virtually add funds and reload like a gift card). Please note, banking information is not saved in School Cash Online and must be re-entered for every transaction. Unused funds in "MyWallet" will be carried over to the next year for back-to-school purchases unless a refund is requested.
Parents/guardians must enter their child's last name, birth date and student number to register. All elementary schools will provide parents/guardians with a copy of the Registration Verification Form, which includes the student number. Secondary students are aware of their student number and can provide this to parents/guardians. If there are any issues/concerns with accessing the student number, parents/guardians are encouraged to contact the school office.