LKDSB Operational Plan
The Lambton Kent District School Board's (LKDSB) Operational Plan guides the actions and objectives of LKDSB's Senior Administration and staff for the school year in relation to the Strategic Priorities 2020/21-2025/26:
Student Achievement & Well-Being: Advance high standards for innovative and responsive learning;
Inclusive Diversity: Champion anti-oppressive education;
Sustainable Stewardship: Optimize human, financial and physical resources; and
Trusting Relationships: Strengthen relationships based on respectful collaboration.
The Operational Plan outlines the annual goals, action steps and expected outcomes for the LKDSB moving forward with the implementation of the strategic priorities. Senior Administration will provide a report on the Operational Plan and the actual outcomes to the LKDSB Board of Trustees annually.
Read the LKDSB Operational Plan 2023-2024
Operational Plan Archive