Concussion Protocol at LKDSB

​It is the policy of the Lambton Kent District School Board to promote awareness of safety in schools, including strategies to minimize risk and proper treatment of concussion, and recognizes that the health and safety of students are essential preconditions for student learning. 

For access to staff resources and supports, please visit the LKDSB Staff Portal.

Awareness & Prevention

​As part of Rowan's Law, all students, athletes and parents must review Concussion Awareness and Prevention strategies while participating in school and athletic associations.  The information shared below come from Ministry resources, OPHEA safety standards and the Lambton Kent District School Board Concussion Protocol.

Awareness and Prevention

Identification & Management

Concussion Identification​

Following a significant impact to the head, face, neck, or body, that is either observed or reported, and where the individual (for example, teacher/coach) responsible for that student suspects a concussion the following immediate actions must be taken

Identification & Management

If any Red Flag Symptoms are present, call 911 and seek immediate medical support, followed immediately by a call to the parents/guardians/emergency contact. ​Appendix C-2a - Tool to Identify a Suspected Concussion must be completed by the activity supervisor.  One copy of Appendix C-2a must be provided to the parent/guardian, one copy to the principal.

If there are no Red Flag Signs or Symptoms, and the student can be safely moved, the student must be removed from the activity or game.  The activity supervisor must complete Appendix C-2a: Tool to Identify a Suspected Concussion and contact  the parent/guardian.  The activity supervisor must provide the parent/guardian a copy of the Appendix C-2a form, as well as Appendix C-2b - Medical Concussion Assessment Form, advising medical assessment by a doctor or nurse/practitioner.  

It is the responsibility of the parent/guardian to make sure that the student is monitored for 24-48 hours and that medical attention is sought.

If no signs or symptoms of the incident occur, the parent can sign the Appendix C-2a and return it to the school.  If this is the case, there is no management protocol to follow, but the appendix is filed at the school and tracked for board reporting purposes.  However, if signs and symptoms appear within a few days after the incident, the parents should seek medical assessment immediately.

If there were signs or symptoms, and medical assessment was completed, parent/guardians must submit Appendix C-2b: Medical Concussion Assessment Form to the school.  This form allows the doctor/nurse practitioner to sign off on the concussion or to diagnose one.   It is an essential component to beginning the management portion of the concussion protocol.

If Appendix C-2b indicates no concussion, there is no management protocol to follow, the Appendix is filed at the school and tracked for board reporting purposes and the student returns to school as normal.

Concussion Management

If Appendix C-2b indicates a concussion diagnosis, the return to school plan begins.  Parents can use this Complete Concussion Management Stages Reference Sheet that includes all Stages of the Return to School Plan.

The parent/guardian uses Appendix C-3a - Home Concussion Management Form (Return to School plan) to monitor the student.  This begins with the initial rest following the incident, to Stage 2, where the student is completing simple tasks at home without symptoms.

Once the student has demonstrated the success of Stage 2, the parent signs the form and makes an appointment with the school to initiate the next part of concussion management.  A contact at the school will work with the student and parent/guardian to begin the Return to Learning and Return to Physical Activity Plan.  This plan will be documented and communicated back and forth using the Appendix C-3b - School Concussion Management Form ( Return to School plan). This process does take some time and a lot of communication between home and school, there are 4 stages of the Return to Learning Plan and 6 stages of the Return to Physical Activity Plan.

While working through the Appendix C-3b stages, if at any point symptoms worsen, or new symptoms appear, medical consultation must occur.  Medical Clearance must occur once the student has completed Stage 4 of both the Return to Learning and Return to Physical Activity Plans.  ​It is at this point that the student is back to school full time without accommodation and ready to take part in competitive sport.  Parent/Guardians must use Appendix C-3c - Medical Concussion Clearance Form

Please note:  In the case of secondary students, if they are not involved in physical education classes or athletics, the Return to School Plan will be adapted.