School Immunizations

Unless they have a valid exemption on file with CK Public Health, all children who attend school in Ontario must be vaccinated against diphtheria, tetanus, polio, measles, mumps, rubella, meningitis, whooping cough and chickenpox.

Families are asked to provide proof of vaccination to the CK Public Health Unit. Reporting can be done online (Chatham-Kent Public Health Immunization Reporting), phone (519-355-1071 Ext. 5900), or by fax (519-436-3214).

Note that doctor’s offices do not forward immunization information to Public Health and if you have moved from another Public Health Unit, they will not forward information to CKPH. Families are responsible for updating CKPH themselves.

Students who have not provided CKPH with either proof of vaccination or a valid exemption by March 5th, will be suspended from attending school by the CKPH.