1) Art Wednesday, join Mrs. Smith in Room 316.
2) Graduation re-takes are today in the Library Career Centre.
3) Locker Clean out today, Semester 2 Timetable distribution - all textbooks must be returned prior to the exam or on the day of exam.
4) Exam Schedule:
Friday, January 24th - A exam
Monday, January 27th - B exam
Tuesday, January 28th - C exam
Wednesday, January 29th - D exam
All exams start at 8:30 AM - students must remain for at least one hour for 1 1/2 hour exams, for 2 hour exams, students must remain for 1 1/4 hours.
Students may leave the building, go to the library or cafeteria or go to the Rosemary Room after their exam
Kettle Point bus comes at 11 AM, all other buses run at regular times
If the buses are cancelled, exams are bumped a day
5) Attention cast members of Frozen. We will have a very important meeting at lunch today in the drama room. Please go straight to the drama room at the beginning of lunch for a quick meeting. (Mr. MacDougall)