1) Attention all girls' hockey team members. You are excused from class at 1:30 pm today to catch the bus to Sarnia for our 2:30 PM game against GLSS. (Mr. Wilson)

2) Attention all boys' hockey team members. You are excused from class at 2 PM for our 3 pm game here in Forest against St. Pats. (Mr. Wilson)

3) There will be no official Jazz Band meeting today at lunch. Students are welcome to stop by and pick up the music for next semester. (Mr. MacDougall)

4) Frozen cast are reminded of rehearsal after school today in the music room. (Mr. MacDougall)

5) Muskoka Woods forms are due to Mrs. Sanders by Friday.

6) Jersey Day tomorrow. Tomorrow is jersey day. So many different sports and teams to choose from. So remember Jersey Day tomorrow.

7) Attention Junior boys' basketball team members. Due to the wrestling event in the gym tonight, practice tonight is cancelled. See you tomorrow night for your game vs. Ridgetown. (Mr. Willemse)

8) Bring your bag or backpack to the library at lunch to personalize it with iron-on vinyl. (Miss Syer)

9) The sexual health nurse is here this morning. Stop by Student Services if you need to see her.