1) This Wednesday is another spirit day here at NLSS. It's Jersey Day - whatever team or sport you want to support.
2) All culminating activities are due by Friday, January 17th - they should be completed in class. Exams begin on Friday, January 24th for period A, period B - January 27th, period C - January 28th, Period D - January 29th. If buses do not run, exams will be bumped one day. Buses run at regular times. The only absence reasons during exams are illness, specialist appointment or bereavement. (Mrs. Leystra)
3) Last week you had an opportunity to relish in Pizza Week. Today a new week begins and it's something from the history books and likely something many Eagles have probably not tried. This week is another opportunity not to celebrate food, but connecting with people. Connecting the old-fashioned way, the caring way, the memorable way. It's send a letter week. It could be a short note, a post-it note, to people special. The key, its written old school . Send a letter or note, you'll be glad you did, and so will someone else! (Mr. Tichenoff)