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Scholarships & Bursaries
School Based Awards
Adolphus and Armintha Weese Scholarship
Angelo Ligori Engineering Scholarship
AVIVA Start Up Scholarship
Bank of Montreal Highest College Level Standings
Beecroft AutoCare Automotive Award
Brian Fox Memorial Agriculture Scholarship
Cameron Family Memorial Bursary
Cameron McLean Ontario Agricultural College Scholarship
Carlo Rossini Diabetes Foundation Award
Celebration of Youth- Awards of Distinction
Chartwell Foods Bursary
Chatham Kent Chapter of Professional Engineers Ontario Student Bursary
Chatham Kent Christian Farmers Association Scholarship
Chatham Masonic District Bruce B Foster Memorial Foundation
Chatham-Kent Film Group Scholarship Award
Christine Carron Memorial Mathematics Award
CIBC J.G Fraser Memorial Award
CKPSB Public Safety Scholarship
Confederation Chapter IODE 2nd World War Memorial Award
Confederation Chapter IODE Isobelle R. Pow Award
Confederation Chapter IODE Jubilee Bursary
Confederation Chapter IODE Nora Goldhawk Memorial Award
Dr. Lois Pearce Composition Award
Dr. Shirley M. Holmes Award
Eelunaapeewii Lahkeewiit Graduation Award
Elsie E. Holmes Award
Frank Findlay Trust Fund Bursary
Fred D. Reese English Award
Fred D. Reese Family Studies Award
Fred D. Reese French Award
Fred Reese "Acacdemic R" Award
Gordon H. Shaw, Q.C. History Award
Kenneth Osborne Sr. Memorial Award
Muriel G. Neilson Memorial Award
Pioneer Hi-Bred English Award
RDHS English Award
Ridgetown Shoppers Drug Mart Physics Award
Royal Bank of Canada Biology Award
Ontario Principals' Award
Raymond J. Quenneville, FCGA Memorial Accounting Award
Ridgetown Rotary Club Chemistry Award
Ridgetown Rotary Club Computer Science Award
Ridgetown Rotary Club- Mathematics Award
Mittons Jewellers Geography Award
RDHS Science Award
Angelo Ligori Engineering Scholarship
Fred Reese "Acacdemic R" Award
One Stop Auto Apprenticeship Award
Bank of Montreal Highest College Level Standings
Beecroft AutoCare Automotive Award
Chartwell Foods Bursary
Martin J. Brown Memorial Award- Ridgetown Rotary Club
Ridgetown Rotary Club (RYLA)
Specialist High Skills Major Award
Kiwanis Club of Ridgetown Physical Education Award
Cameron McLean Ontario Agricultural College Scholarship
Dr. Lois Pearce Composition Award
Ontario Scholars
Chatham Kent Chapter of Professional Engineers Ontario Student Bursary
Drive Safe, Someone Loves You, Wendy Clark Memorial Award
Hipkins Family Performing Arts Bursary
Martinrea Fabco Technical Award
Jeremy Kemp Memorial Award- Thamesville Sertoma Club
Royal Canadian Legion Branch 23 & Ladies Auxiliary Bursary
Yvonne McPherson Family Award for Highest University Average
Jessie Houston Bursary
Helen and Keith McKerracher Memorial Scholarship
Howard Mutual Foundation Scholarships
Kent & Essex Mutual Insurance Scholarship
Chatham-Kent Road Association Bursary
Adolphus and Armintha Weese Scholarship
Harley Ashton Memorial Award
Eelunaapeewii Lahkeewiit Graduation Award
Confederation Chapter IODE 2nd World War Memorial Award
Confederation Chapter IODE Isobelle R. Pow Award
Confederation Chapter IODE Jubilee Bursary
Confederation Chapter IODE Nora Goldhawk Memorial Award
Mitton's Citizenship Trophy
Chatham Kent Christian Farmers Association Scholarship
Cameron Family Memorial Bursary
Chatham Masonic District Bruce B Foster Memorial Foundation
Christine Carron Memorial Mathematics Award
Frank Findlay Trust Fund Bursary
Jane Evelyn Stover Estate Award
Jessie Houston Scholarships
Kiwanis Key Club Award
Loretta and Harvey Burfield Award
PEO Chatham Kent Chapter Bursary
RDHS Centennial Award
W.G. Thompsons Agricultural Studies Scholarship
Dr. Shirley M. Holmes Award
Elsie E. Holmes Award
The Jack B. Davis Memorial Education Foundation