Internal Applicants - How To Apply

Your employer is now using ApplyToEducation to manage employee postings and transfers. You will receive an email like the one below and are provided with 2 options to enable your settings:

Option 1: Enter the username of an existing account if you have used ApplyToEducation in the past and it will be linked to your employer within 48 hours.

Option 2: If you have never used our system click Create Account. Your School Board email address will be your username and you will be asked to enter your password.The email you will receive looks like this:

Example of Email You Will Receive

​Your School Board requested an applicant acco​unt be created for you with ApplyToEducation.

Click the custom link to either create a new account or link to an existing account.

Once created or linked, please wait 1 business day for your account to be activated by your employer.

You will be able to use your account to manage one or more of the following, depending on your School Board’s settings:

  • Employee Postings & Transfers - Apply to Internal or Long Term postings

  • Enter absences or accept daily assignments

  • Professional Development – View PD catalog and register for PD courses

  • Pick interview times

Click here to visit our Help & Training section.

For assistance please email our Customer Care Department or call us toll free 1-877-900-5627​

After you click the link

You are brought to the below page where you can ‘create account’ or link your existing account with your employer if you have used ApplyToEducation in the past.

Note: If you are a certified teacher, add your certificate to the Qualification section of the portfolio. It can take up to 48 hours for OCT to link when you initially add your number.

Applying to Postings

  1. Click Search Jobs under the Job Postings section. Your internal/occasional postings will already be displayed once the page refreshes.​

  2. Click on the Position name for a posting you wish to apply to.​

  3. Scroll to the bottom of the posting and answer any Job Related Questions.

  4. Click the Apply button.

How Do I Know I Successfully Applied To A Posting?

You receive 3 Confirmations when you successfully submit your Portfolio to a job posting:

  1. A pop up advising you of your successful application submission.

  2. An email confirmation with the details of the posting.

  3. The posting appears in your Job Application Log under the Job Postings section.

Sign up for Job Alerts

  1. Click Manage Job Alerts from the Job Postings section.

  2. Select the option to receive job alerts when your employer posts internal/occasional employee opportunities and the page will refresh when the selects are registered.