Elementary Teaching Mid Year Hiring Process
Please note that this new mid year process was updated in June 2010 and was established in partnership by the Lambton Kent District School Board and the Elementary Teachers Federation.
The Mid Year Process is as follows:
23.09 Vacancies that occur after the school year has begun through until April 15th, will be posted according to Article 23.04 and
23.06 for the exclusive access of Bargaining Unit Members. The position will commence on the posted date or within 7 days of the acceptance of the position. Any variance to the start date can be mutually agreed upon between the Board and the Union.
23.10 The vacancy shall be filled in order of seniority from among the qualified applicants after program needs have been considered.
23.11 Should only one Member apply, s/he will be awarded the assignment, provided s/he is qualified. If no Member who applies is qualified, a qualified external candidate may be selected.
23.12 All positions vacated by the successful Members in 23.09 will be filled by external qualified teacher candidates. Once the successful candidate is placed in the vacated position, these candidates become Members covered by this Collective Agreement.
This information is provided by Human Resources – Recruiting, Chatham Regional Education Centre. September 2015