Electronic Flyer Distribution

It is the policy of the Lambton Kent District School Board that advertising on School Board property for education-related activities in schools or held in the community during instructional time will be permitted upon approval by the Director of Education or designate, in accordance with the corresponding LKDSB Regulations.
The LKDSB encourages community partners and organizations to share information with our school communities electronically to reduce the volume of paper distributed throughout the LKDSB. The approved items will be posted online for consideration by Principals and staff members, along with any relevant information for consideration. Please complete the Electronic Flyer Distribution Request Form below.
All electronic flyers (.pdf, .jpg or .png) must be submitted for review by the Public Relations Officer and the approved information will be posted publicly. Each person who submits a request will receive notification on the status of the materials. Click on the "View Current Approved Flyers" button to review the current list of approved flyers. Only flyers for the current school year will be posted and reoccurring events/activities must be resubmitted annually for consideration.
Please submit an electronic copy of the materials for review. Please note: acceptable file formats are .pdf, .jpg or .png. Additional details can be included in the "Comments" section. If approved, the electronic flyer will be posted on our flyer distribution page. All information that appears in the title, comment section and attachments will be displayed on the approval page. Please make sure to include the name of your organization.
In order to be approved for distribution, the information must be in compliance with the LKDSB's Policy, Regulation and Administrative Procedure on Advertising on School Board Property and Distribution of Literature:
Materials distributed must:
Be for education-related activities in schools or held in the community during instructional time
Be of educational benefit to students and support curriculum activities for students from a non-profit organization, and align with the Board’s mission statement, vision, policies, regulations and procedures
Respect the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (MFIPPA) and the Education Act
Be respectful of all faiths, races and cultural backgrounds
Not be for personal gain, or be a private business or individual
Not promote a political, religious or faith-related group or belief
Preference will be given to materials from non-profit, charitable organizations in the Chatham-Kent or Sarnia-Lambton areas.
If you have any questions or concerns regarding the distribution of materials, please contact our Public Relations Officer directly.
Once you've submitted your Electronic Flyer Distribution for approval:
If the submission is approved, it will be added to the LKDSB Staff Portal within 5 school days.
If the submission is not approved you will receive an email response from the Public Relations Officer, explaining any edits that need to be made, or explaining the reasons for rejection.
Instructions on how to fill out the LKDSB Electronic Flyer Distribution Request Form