CUPE Temporary Vacancy Guidelines

Temporary postings are open to Permanent CUPE 1238 employees only.  

Temporary vacancy is defined as being a minimum of 4 months.  

There will be a 5 working day posting period for temporary vacancies.  

Eligibility for the position must be for reasons of promotion, increase in hours, or different experience. Lateral moves will not be considered.  

Employees who have been in a position for less than 6 months will not be eligible to apply for temporary vacancy postings.  

Selection of the successful candidate will be based on seniority, provided the applicant has the necessary skill, ability, and qualifications to do the posted job.  

Principals/supervisors will have final approval as to the release of an applicant; which would not be unreasonably withheld; however, circumstances may be such that; ie workload during peak times may prevent individuals from being allowed to move.  

There will be no subsequent temporary postings as a result of the filling of the posted temporary vacancy; however, the terms of Article 11:13 will apply for locations/departments where there is more than one CUPE 1238 employee. Upon fulfillment of the Article 11:13 obligation, if applicable, principals/supervisors will then be able to fill the resulting temporary vacancy by selecting an individual from the temporary casual list.