CKSS Policies
When the alarm rings, ALL students and staff must vacate the building immediately, according to the evacuation plan. The-re-entry signal is three short bells.
A tornado warning to take cover will be given over the PA. All student and staff must proceed to the lower level of the building and gather in the designated area. An "all clear" signal is three short bells.
Major incident or threat of school violence within the school or in relation to the school. Announcement over the PA. If outside, do NOT re-enter the school (go to arena). If a fire alarm is pulled, do NOT respond. Emergency Response personnel will direct further movement.
Hold and Secure
Used when an ongoing situation OUTSIDE that is not related to the school occurs. ie bank robbery. community. Announcement will be made to indicate the need to hold and secure. Staff assigned to monitor exits move to the designated exit. Ensure anyone outside enters the building immediately and enters a classroom.
Shelter in Place
Major incident or threat of school violence within the school or in relation to the school. Announcement over the PA announcing the lockdown. If outside, do NOT re-enter the school (go to arena). If a firm alarm is pulled do NOT respond. Emergency response personnel will direct further movement.
Accident and Accidental Insurance
Students who are injured during the school day or while participating in a school activity must report the accident to the supervising teacher. The supervising teacher will be responsible for making sure the injury is addressed according to Board procedures. Specifically, an Incident Report form (available in the main office) and OSIB form must be completed and reported to the Principal within 24 hours. The Student Insurance PLAN (distributed on opening day) is designed to provide supplemental coverage to Health coverage and is recommended for all students, especially those who participate in competitive sports. All claims must be sent by the student directly to the insurance company (copy to Principal).
Adult Status - A student 18 years of age or older, may assume certain responsibilities accorded an adult. Adult students assume full responsibility for their schooling.
Daily Routine
Announcements and Opening Exercises
Classrooms will be opened at 7:45 a.m. Students are expected to be in their homerooms prior to the 7:55 a.m. bell. School will begin each morning with opening exercises in accordance with the Education Act. Students are expected to stand quietly in all areas of the school until announcements are over. Announcements will be at the start of Period 1. Any student wishing to make an announcement about a school related activity, must complete a "CK Daily News" form and the message pre-approved by an administrator.
Antiracism and Ethno Cultural Equity - Refer to Student Handbook below
School assemblies are meant to be informative and/or entertaining and must be approved by administration. Students are always expected to attend if their class is scheduled to do so.
Attendance Policies
The Ministry of Education and Training states that a student must have at least 110 hours of classroom instruction before a credit is granted. There are no partial credits granted for high absenteeism. Students who are absent more than 15 classes, risk losing their credits. Refer to to Student Planner
Bicycles, Skateboards, Roller Blades
Bicycles should be locked at the front of the school. Roller blades must be removed before entering the school, and should not be used for performing stunts on school property. Skateboards may not be used on school property.
Cafeteria service is available during regular school days. Students may eat in the cafeteria or at select teacher-supervised functions during noon hour. Also refer to Student Planner.
CK Store
Hawk Shop - this school sells gym attire, school jackets, sweaters, caps, etc. It is operated by the Student Athletic Association under the supervision of a teacher-advisor. Store hours are Monday, Wednesday, Friday from 11:00 - 11:20 a.m. Vending Den - The Business Studies Department operates a vending machine in the cafeteria.
Code of Conduct
Chatham Kent Secondary School promotes responsibility, respect, civility and academic excellence in a safe learning and teaching environment. All students, parents, teachers and staff have the right to be safe, and feel safe, in their school community. With this right comes the responsibility to be law-abiding citizens and to be accountable for actions that put at risk the safety of others and oneself. Please refer to Student Planner
Dance Policy - Please refer to the Student Handbook below
Dress Code - Please refer to the Student Handbook below
Electronic Equipment
This category includes, but is not limited to cell phones, pagers, bluetooth devices, digital cameras, laptops, PDA's, MP3 players and other personal listening devices used for non-medal purposes. Please refer to Student Planner.
Full-Time Student Policy - Refer to Student Handbook below
Fundraising must be approved by the Principal through a Staff Advisor.
Guest Passes (Student Shadowing)
A completed "Student Guest Pass Application" must be approved by Ms. McCallum in Student Services before a Guest Pass is issued. All student guests must have written parental permission, plus home school permission. CKSS students must also get the approval of their individual teachers, in advance of the guest's attendance.
Locks and Lockers
Locks and lockers are the property of the school. Lock combinations will be kept on file in the main office, however, for your own protection, do not disclose your lock combination to anyone else. Students are expected to observe the following guidelines for use of locks.
Lockers are provided for the use of books and clothing
Only school supplied locks are permitted. All others will be removed at the student's expense.
The school does not assume any responsibility for alleged loss of articles from locks. Students should not bring large sums of money or expensive jewelry/equipment to school. If this is occasionally unavoidable, please request these items be kept in the vault in the main office, and never in your locker or the physical education change room.
The student to whom the use of a locker has been granted must assume responsibility for any damage to the locker.
The administration of the school reserves the right to examine (in the presence of the student, whenever possible) any locker, at any time deemed necessary.
In order to maintain a quiet atmosphere in the classroom areas of the school, students should use their lockers only when classes are not in session.
Late Assignment Policy - Refer to Student Handbook below
Lost and Found - Refer to Student Handbook below
Parking - Refer to Student Handbook below
Release of Student Photographs - Refer to Student Handbook below
School Buses Cancellation of Service
CKSS is located in Bus Zone 8. Refer to Student Handbook
Provincial legislation prohibits smoking by anybody on school property or within 20 meters outside of school propery at any time. Students who smoke or hold lighted tobacco products including e-cigarettes and vapes on school property will be suspended in accordance with Board Policy and can be charged under the Tobacco Control Act. Cigarettes, e-cigarettes and vapes may be confiscated from a person under the age of 15 (16). Responsible behavior is expected of all students and students are asked to refrain from smoking on neighboring school properties.
Spare Periods and Study Room - Refer to Student Handbook
Student Fees and Student Identification Card
All students are required to pay $35.00 during registration. This entitles each student to a student ID/activity card, a lock and locker rental, and computer printing services. In addition the following fees may apply: Refer to Student Handbook
yearbook $50.00
Picture packages TBA
For a Phys Ed uniform $25.00 (includes shorts and shirt)
There may be a minimal cost for recommended supplies to cover the cost of consumable items with some credit courses. The cost of field trips will vary, however all field trips are optional.
Student Progress Conference
Student/parent/teacher conferences may be arranged at the request of either the parents or school administration.
In order to improve communication between CKSS and parents, the Attendance Office uses an automated call home system called "Synervoice". This computerized system will inform parents of a student's absences during the school day.
Telephones - Refer to Student Handbook
Textbooks and Library Books - Refer to Student Handbook
During the school day, the school grounds and building are out of bounds to all, except CKSS students, their parents or guardians, Board of Education employees or persons having business with the administration or staff. This access is governed both by the Trespass to Property Act and the Access to School Premises, Education Act (Reg 474). All visitors must register at the main office.
Please refer to Student Handbook
Withdrawing from a Course Refer to Student Handbook