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Sir John Moore Community School
News Item

Reminder: April 21 Deadline for Virtual Learning Registration for 2021-2022 school year

April 19, 2021
We are looking forward to a safe return to in-person learning in September 2021. We want to remind families interested in registering their child for virtual learning for the 2021-2022 school year must complete the online registration form by Wednesday, April 21, 2021.

Unless otherwise indicated, all students will be registered for in-person learning at their home school for September 2021. If your child will be attending in-person learning for the 2021-2022 school year, no further action is required.

Click here to access the virtual learning registration form (select Virtual Learning Elementary or Virtual Learning Secondary from the drop-down menu). Only those students who complete this form will be registered for virtual learning in September 2021. All others will be registered at their home school.

For more information to support your decision-making, click here. Click here to read Frequently Asked Questions about the virtual learning programming for the 2021-2022 school year, including a list of secondary school course offerings.

Should you have any specific questions about your child, please contact your school directly.


Sir John Moore Community School
274 St Clair Blvd, Corunna, ON, N0N 1G0
Principal: Erin Gower
Vice Principal: Sheila Richardson

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