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Sir John Moore Community School
​Welcome to Sir John Moore Community School!school.jpg

Sir John Moore was built in 1999 to serve growing neighbourhoods in Corunna, Ontario. Currently, it has a student population of over 499 students and 45 staff. Our priorities are safety and instruction. Special programs offered at SJM include French Immersion and Ojibwe. The use of technology propels learning as all of our classrooms have SmartBoards and blogs are a key communication tool between families and staff. Learning is supported by many volunteers and a School Council. Extra-curricular activities include a wide variety of sports, leadership opportunities, Lego Robotics, etc.

Before and After School Daycare ServiceYMCA_Logo-Full_Colour jpg.jpg
Sir John Moore offers the Before and After School Daycare Service under the YMCA program. Contact them at 519-862-5071 ext. 221 for more information about the program.


Sir John Moore Community School
274 St Clair Blvd, Corunna, ON, N0N 1G0
Principal: Erin Gower
Vice Principal: Sheila Richardson

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