School Council
The Indian Creek Road School Council is made up of parents, staff
representatives, community members and the principal. The School Council
provides a forum for people interested in public education to work cooperatively
to develop common goals and plans to strengthen schools in order to improve
student achievement. The Council meets monthly to discuss a variety of
topics relevant to the school community. Input from the various council
members shapes school policies and priorities. Our Chairperson for the
2015-2016 school year is Christine Beintema.
Booster Club
The ICRPS Booster Club is a major fundraising partner for our school and is
comprised of a number of motivated and dedicated family members who organize our
Lunch Days. Our Booster Club has bought iPads, carts, team uniforms and
more for ICRPS students.
Home & School Association
In addition to the School Council, Indian Creek also has an active Home and
School Association. The Home and School meets monthly to discuss how they can
support Indian Creek students by supporting School Improvement Planning. The
president for 2015-2016 is
Angie Knowles.