Who are the Members of the Home & School Association?
We are a non-profit, self-directed volunteer organization.
What is Our Mission Statement?
Our Home and School Association is one where everyone looks
beyond themselves and is committed to contributing as a whole,
supporting each other with trust, kindness and integrity in the pursuit
of “The Best for Each Student”.
Who is the Home & School Association?
We are parents of children at H. W. Burgess Public School. We
want the best for our children and are willing to work with the staff
and with other parents to achieve this.
Why should you become a member?
Your membership gives your family:
- An understanding of how our school works
- The opportunity to achieve the best learning environment for your child
- A say in how Home & School funds are spent
- The chance to share ideas and concerns with other parents and staff
Your involvement in the Home and School:
- Will help you learn about the school issues and policies that may effect your child
- Will show your child’s teacher you are interested in your child’s education
- Will show your child the benefits of sharing and working together
- Memberships are available at meetings or by visiting the office
and completing an application form, adding the membership fee. The cost
is $15.00 per family per year.
- Visit us often at the H. W. Burgess Public School website for upcoming Home
& School events and news.
What you can do as a Home and School member:
- Support our efforts to make H. W. Burgess Public School a positive learning environment
- Help with our fundraising, either through volunteering or attendance
- Offer your time or talents by volunteering. Volunteering is a
special gift you can give your children and VOLUNTEERS ARE ALWAYS
- Join us at our meetings. Share your thoughts with other parents and staff