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Confederation Central School
News Item

Message from Chair Hudie and Director Costello re: Health and Physical Education Curriculum

July 26, 2018

​Dear Parents/Guardians,

The Ontario government recently announced that the provincial Health and Physical Education curriculum from 1998 will replace the revised curriculum implemented in 2015. While we await the next steps from the Ministry of Education, we want to assure our school communities that the Lambton Kent District School Board (LKDSB) is committed to student well-being and achievement in a safe and caring environment.

The LKDSB believes that a safe and caring learning environment is strengthened by embracing diversity, and respecting self, others and the world around us. We remain fully committed to providing an equitable and inclusive learning environment for all students, families and staff, including our LGBTQ+ community. In addition, we have a responsibility, under the Human Rights Code, the Education Act, and the LKDSB's policies and procedures to continue to create safe and accepting environments for all students as we focus on our mission of Fostering Success for Every Student Every Day.


Elizabeth Hudie                                  Jim Costello
Chair                                                   Director                                              

Download a PDF copy of the letter: July26_LKDSB_Directors_Letter.pdf


Confederation Central School
2500 Confederation LIne, Sarnia, ON, N7T 7H3
Principal: Tien Ngo

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