Confederation Central School is now considered a NUT AWARE school. This means that we would like nut products (both peanuts and tree nuts) to remain a healthy snack for at home. Please do not send nut products with your child to school. In addition to nut products, please do not send substitute nut products like pea butters, or similar spreads as it becomes too difficult for our lunch monitors to distinguish the nut products from the substitutes. There are a number of anaphylactic allergies in the school and the staff and students at Confederation Central thank you for your diligence and support in ensuring a safe and healthy environment for all students. If you have any questions regarding the nut aware policy, please do not hesitate to contact the school.
Asthma Legislation
New legislation from Queen’s Park known as Ryan’s Law: An Act to Protect Asthmatic Pupils now requires that schools be “asthma friendly”. This may require, should the need arise, that certain items be proscribed from being brought into the school. At this point in time, no such items have been identified.